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Impacts of genomics and other 'omics' for the crop, forestry, livestock, fishery and agro-industry sectors in developing countries

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    Enhancing the Development of the Agro-Industry Sector in Ethiopia - GCP/ETH/101/EC 2020
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    Despite the high rates of economic growth recorded over the past 15 years,the Ethiopian economy remains fundamentally agricultural. Structuraltransformation, understood as the transfer of financial and human resourcesfrom the agricultural sector to the industrial sector, modern services andagricultural modernization, is still incipient. To further stimulate thedevelopment of the agro-industry sector, in 2015, the Government of Ethiopiainitiated a policy on the establishment of integrated Agro-CommodityProcurement Zones (ACPZs) and Integrated Agro-Industrial Park (IAIP)Development. Seventeen ACPZs were identified across the country, based ontheir potential for agribusiness development, of which four were selected,located in Oromia, Amhara, Tigray and Southern Nations, Nationalities andPeoples Region (SNNPR). These were related to the four pilot parks to bedeveloped in the first phase (2020-2025). Against this background, theGovernment of Ethiopia requested that FAO provide technical support toprepare Comprehensive Development Frameworks and Investment Plans forthe four pilot ACPZs.
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    Agro-Industry Accelerator - Accelerator for Agriculture and Agro-industry Development and Innovation (3ADI+) 2019
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    A holistic, integrated approach is needed to tackle the systemic constraints on sustainable agriculture and food systems and value chain development. The Accelerator for Agriculture and Agro-industry Development and Innovation (3ADI+) is a global programme spearheaded by FAO and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) that seeks to generate decent employment, particularly for rural youth and women, and produce higher-value, safer and nutritious food, while combating the effects of climate change in on- and off-farm activities. A key input for generating value for smallholders is through sustainable mechanization, especially in Africa. By taking a partnership approach and drawing on private investment to ensure sustainability and scalability, the initiative aims build sustainable value chains to meet modern needs.
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    Development of Pacific Regional Plan to Mainstream Biodiversity Across Agricultural Sectors, Including Fishery, Crops, Livestock and Forestry - TCP/SAP/3902 2025
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    The project aimed to mitigate the negative impacts that productive sectors have on biodiversity and to establish sustainable, resilient agrifood systems in Pacific countries. To achieve this, the project successfully developed the “Pacific Action Plan on Mainstreaming Biodiversity Across Agricultural Sectors (2024-2030)” (Pacific Action Plan), following a highly consultative, multi-stakeholder process that identified priority needs and challenges across the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs). This plan facilitates coordinated and cohesive action among stakeholders and ministries responsible for biodiversity across various sectors. The Pacific Action Plan was presented, distributed, and officially endorsed by FAO members during the 37th session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Conference (APRC) in February 2024. Following its endorsement, representatives from the Ministries of Agriculture (MoAs) of Pacific Islands were invited to participate in CBD sub-regional meetings, where they will collaborate with CBD national focal points to enhance the implementation of the GBF in 2024.

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