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Chad: Humanitarian Response Plan 2024

FAO. 2024. Chad: Humanitarian Response Plan 2024. Rome.

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    Food insecurity is worsening in Myanmar, where more than a quarter of the population, 15.2 million people, are experiencing moderate or severe food insecurity. The combined impacts of conflict, political instability, economic crisis and longstanding poverty leave millions unable to access basic services and struggling to meet their families’ food needs. With three in four people dependent on agriculture for their livelihoods, humanitarian support to restore rural households’ production is critical.
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    Cameroon: Humanitarian Response Plan 2024 2024
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    Cameroon faces a multifaceted crisis due to the conflict in the Lake Chad Basin and Far North, the influx of refugees from the Central African Republic, ongoing tensions in the North-West and South-West regions, and the impact of natural hazards. Hundreds of people continue to flee from their homes in search of safety, causing tensions with host communities over scarce resources. Agriculture provides a livelihood to around 70 percent of the population, yet receives less than 2 percent of humanitarian funding to food sectors. Crisis-affected families urgently need scaled‑up support to produce their own food.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Chad | Revised humanitarian response (May–December 2020)
    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
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    In Chad, recurrent climatic shocks and conflict are exacerbating people’s food insecurity, particularly in the Lake Chad Basin, where there are nearly 300 000 displaced people. In addition, the country hosts a large number of refugees from the Central African Republic and the Sudan. Despite good cereal production from the 2019/20 agricultural season, a 42-percent fodder deficit was registered in the Sahel region, significantly affecting feed availability for pastoralists’ during the dry season. Furthermore, drought, irregular rainfall and increased insecurity are preventing herders from access grazing land. Livestock mortality rates have al o been increasing during this year’s pastoral lean season. Following confirmed COVID-19 cases, the Government put in place a series of urgent and essential health-related mitigation measures, including the lockdown of all the main cities, movement restrictions and border closures. These are indirectly affecting the supply chain, limiting imports and disrupting markets, which is adding pressure on conflict-affected areas – Lake Chad Basin and Tibesti – where 40 percent of the population is experiencing difficulties in accessing markets. In addition, the prices of millet – one of Chad’s most important subsistence crops – has sharply increased, by 37 percent between April 2019 and April 2020. In the framework of FAO’s Corporate COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme and the United Nations Global Humanitarian Response Plan for COVID-19, FAO has revised its humanitarian response for 2020 to mitigate the effects of the pandemic and address the needs of the most vulnerable households.

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