Preliminary Pages

Abbreviations and Acronyms

©FAO/ Mauricio Mireles
Archaeological zone of Yaxchilán, ancient city of the Mayan Culture, Municipality of Ocosingo, Chiapas, Mexico.
ACTAmazon Conservation Team
CAOIAndean Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations
COICACoordinating Body of the Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin
CONAFORNational Forestry Commission (Mexico)
ECLACEconomic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
FAOFood and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations
FAPIFederation for the Autonomy of Indigenous Peoples (Paraguay)
FIAYIndigenous Forum of Abya Yala
FILACFund for the Development of the Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean
FONAFIFONational Forest Fund (Costa Rica)
FPICFree, Prior and Informed Consent
FSCForest Stewardship Council
IACHRInter-American Commission on Human Rights
IBCCommon Good Institute (Peru)
IEGIndependent Evaluation Group of the World Bank
ILOInternational Labor Organization
IPBESInter-Governmental Panel on Biodiversity and Environmental Services
IPCCInter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change
IUCNInternational Union for Conservation of Nature
MINAMMinistry of Environment (Peru)
MIQROIndustrial woods of Quintana Roo
MtCMillion metric tonnes
NGOSNon-governmental organizations
NTFPSNon-timber forest products
PASProtected areas
PESPayment for environmental services
PINPEPProgram of Forestry Incentives for Landholders for Small Areas Suitable for Forestry and Agroforestry (Guatemala)
PNCBNational Forest Conservation Program (Peru)
PREVFOGOProgram for Prevention and Combat of Forest Fires in Indigenous Territories (Brazil)
RAISGAmazon Geo-Referenced Socio-Environmental Information Network
REDD+Reduced emissions from deforestation and degradation
REMREDD+ Early Movers
RRIRights and Resources Initiative
UNDRIPUnited Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
UNIPPUnited Nations Indigenous Peoples Partnership