This report was researched, prepared and written by David Kaimowitz, FAO Senior consultant and specialist in social inclusion and sustainable management of natural capital, and coordinated by Mauricio Mireles, Indigenous Peoples and Social Inclusion Officer for the FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean. Myrna Cunningham, President, and Álvaro Pop, Technical Secretary, of FILAC contributed portions of the report’s text, with technical support from Amparo Morales and Ricardo Changala.
The study benefitted from comments by María Acosta, Cecilia Ballesteros V., John Beaver, Julio Berdegué, Allen Blackman, Alan Bojanic, Jan Börner, Augusto Castro, Lorenzo Campos, Avecita Chicchon, Kevin Currey, Penny Davies, Fabrice Edouard, Mariana Escobar, Mariana Estrada, Boris Fernández, Yon Fernández-de-Larrinoa, Renzo Giudice, Ignacia Holmes, Raphael Linzatti, Mauricio Mireles, Romain Houlmann, María Mercedes Proaño, Zenia Salinas, Lucio Santos, Hans Thiel, Carolina Trivelli, Virginia Vallejo, Pieter van Lierop, Sven Wunder, Adriana Yepes, and Daniel Zarin. Menkar Valladares helped prepare the maps. Paula Barahona and Magaly Salvo were responsible for graphic design and Tal Pinto was the editor in charge.