Forest Genetic Resources
Table of Contents
No. 29
Rome, 2001
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Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.© FAO 2001
Cover photo: Two inflorescences of
flower buds close to anthesis of a new discovered species of the genus
Eidothea (See box in this issue of Forest Genetic Resources) (photo:
Peter H. Weston, Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney, Australia)
All contributions for the next issue should be sent by 15
July 2002 to: Forest Resources Development Service Forest Resources Division FAO of the UN Viale delle Terme di Caracalla I-00100 Rome, Italy Fax +39 06 570 55137 E-mail: [email protected]
Editors of this issue in the Forest Resources Development
Service were:Christel
Peter Aarup Iversen
Pierre Sigaud
Note from the
Results of twenty years of research on Pinus tecunumanii
by the CAMCORE Cooperative (W.S. Dvorak, G.R. Hodge
and J.L. Romero)
Forest genomics for conserving adaptive genetic
diversity (K.V. Krutovskii and D.B. Neale)
Pinus tropicalis Morelet: its characteristics and
genetic resource status (A.
Alvarez, J. T. Suárez, O. Hechavarría and I. Diago)
Species and provenance introductions in Cuba: research
results and projections (A. Mercadet et al)
Forest genetic resources conservation in France:
evaluation and prospects (E. Teissier du Cros)
Conservation of forest biological diversity and
forest genetic resources (C. Palmberg-Lerche)
New tree species discovered in Australia
Ex situ genetic conservation of tree species at
the São Paulo Forest Institute, Brazil (A.M.
Sebbenn et al)
Recent Publications from the
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
Global data on forest plantations
The role of FGR networks in supporting European
research (J. Turok)
Black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) resources in Albania
(M.Dida, F. Ducci
and G. Zeneli)
The International Neem Network: recent activities
(P.A. Iversen and P. Sigaud)
New publication from FAO, IPGRI and DFSC: Conservation
and Management of forest genetic resources; in managed natural forests and protected
areas (in situ) (A. Yanchuk)
Recent publications from Danida
Forest Seed Centre
New books on conservation of
tropical forest tree species from the International Tropical Timber Organization
Recent publications from
Other literature of interest