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FAO FISHERIES TECHNICAL PAPER 291 Small-scale fish landing and marketing facilities |
A.F. Medina Pizzali
Fishery Industries Division
FAO Fisheries Department
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ISBN 92-5-102650-5
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This document has been prepared within the framework of the Regular Programme activities of the FAO Fish Utilization and Marketing Service, Fishery Industries Division, to meet the demand for a concise, technical, document on small-scale fish landing and marketing facilities aimed at facilitating the planning of fish collection, handling and marketing infrastructure for the small-scale fisheries sector.
The outline of this document was prepared, and technical assistance supplied to the author, by the Fish Utilization and Marketing Service.
The document reviews basic infrastructure and services needed at small-scale fish landing and marketing sites; particular attention is given to the identification, planning and basic design concepts for fish landing and marketing infrastructure for the small-scale fisheries sector. The document also contains case studies of fish landing and marketing facilities from the African, Caribbean and Indo-Pacific Regions. |
Distribution: | For bibliographic purposes this document should be cited as follows: |
FAO Fisheries Department FAO Regional Fisheries Officers HP Selector FAO Fisheries Field Projects Author |
Medina Pizzali, A.F., 1988 Small-scale fish landing and marketing facilities. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (291):68 p. |
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2 Simplified flow diagram for fresh fish collection, distribution and marketing
3 Fuel station for small-scale fisheries landing site
6 Manually operated sea-water supply system
7 Village type water supply system
8 Mechanical type sea-water supply system with elevated reservoir
10 A three-compartment septic tank
11 Soakaway for secondary treatment of sewage
13 Metal fish washing and sorting table
14 Concrete fish washing and auctioning table
15 Wholesale auctioning table for boxed fish
16 Cross-section of the CSW tank
19 Concrete fish display tables
21 Non-insulated fish and ice container
22 Insulated ice storage container
25 Fish landing centre for a Southeast Asia small-scale fishing village
26 Layout of a Southeast Asia fish collection centre
27 Cross-section of the Southeast Asia fish collection centre
28 Side-view of a fish collection centre
30 Layout of Bayawan fisheries complex
31 Layout of Dumaguete fish handling facilities
32 Estimated yearly fish landings by species in Barbados (average for 1971–81)
33 Estimated fish landings at Oistins in 1983
34 Oistins fisheries terminal complex
35 Layout of fisheries terminal at Oistins
36 Layout of fish retail stalls at Oistins
37 Layout of San Fernando wholesale/retail fish market
38 Layout of Otaheite fish landing shed
39 Front view of fish landing shed at Otaheite
40 Concrete fish wholesale/retail sales table at Otaheite
41 Layout of fish receiving station at Vanga
42 Insulated concrete tanks for fresh fish at Vanga
43 Fish receiving station at Vanga
44 Insulated tank for fresh fish at Vanga
45 Layout of fish receiving station at Msambweni
46 Fish receiving station at Msambweni
47 Layout of fish receiving station at Port Victoria
48 Display concrete slab table at Port Victoria
49 Fish receiving station at Port Victoria
50 Layout of fish receiving station at Kaloka, Lake Victoria
51 Side view of fish receiving station at Kaloka, Lake Victoria
52 Portable display table. In fish receiving stations at Kaloka and Wichlum
53 Fish receiving station at Kaloka
54 Layout of fish receiving station at Wichlum
56 Insulated truck at Kendu Bay fish receiving station
57 Layout of the landing centre at Kayar
59 Fish receiving station at Kayar
60 Pelagic and demersal fish landings at Kayar, 1983
61 Total fish landings at Kayar in 1982 and 1983
62 Layout of fish receiving station at Lekki
63 Side view of fish receiving station at Lekki