ALOPAppropriate Level of Protection

AMSAggregate Measurement of Support

AoAAgreement on Agriculture (WTO)

BMIbody mass index

CoAHDcost and affordability of a healthy diet

FAOFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

FDIforeign direct investment

FoPLfront-of-package nutrition labelling

GATTGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

GDPgross domestic product

GIFTGlobal Individual Food consumption data Tool

ICN2Second International Conference on Nutrition

IFADInternational Fund for Agricultural Development

MERCOSURSouthern Common Market

NAFTANorth American Free Trade Agreement

NCDnon-communicable diseases

NTMnon-tariff measures

OECDOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

PPPpurchasing power parity

RTAregional trade agreements

SDGSustainable Development Goals

SPSsanitary and phytosanitary measures

TBTtechnical barriers to trade

UNCTADUN Trade and Development

UNICEFUnited Nations Children’s Fund

VATvalue-added tax

WFPWorld Food Programme

WHAWorld Health Assembly

WHOWorld Health Organization

WTOWorld Trade Organization

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