This publication was prepared by a multidisciplinary team of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), under the overall direction of Marcela Villarreal, Director of FAO’s Partnerships and UN Collaboration Division. The primary conceptualization and coordination of this publication were led by Kayo Takenoshita, Teodor Dosa, Rosa Rolle and Makiko Taguchi in consultation with the members of the Secretariat of the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021 in FAO.
The drafting of this publication was made possible with substantial technical contributions from:
Chapter 1: Rosa Rolle (Lead), Siobhan Kelly, Makiko Taguchi, Kayo Takenoshita.
Chapter 2: Maria Antonia Tuazon (Lead), Megan Harrison.
Chapter 3: Makiko Taguchi (Lead), Fenton Beed, Sara Hassan, Bruno Telemans.
Chapter 4: Siobhan Kelly (Lead), Sabine Altendorf, Pascal Liu, Costanza Rizzo, Pilar Santacoloma.
Chapter 5: Rosa Rolle (Lead), Dirk Schulz.
Chapter 6: Rosa Rolle (Lead), Kayo Takenoshita.
Thanks are also owed to ElMamoun Amrouk, Marco Artavia, Cosimo Avesani, Pablo Garcia Campos, Elena Ilie, Chikelu Mba, Georgios Mermigkas, Mayling Flores Rojas and Florence Tartanac for their valuable contributions in preparing and finalizing the technical inputs for the publication.
FAO gratefully acknowledges the valuable feedback received from the external technical reviewers: Dr Marzella Wüstefeld (World Health Organization), Mr Yacob Ahmad (International Tropical Fruits Network) and Prof. Dr Yüksel Tüzel (International Society for Horticultural Science).
Sincere gratitude is extended to Paul Mundy for editing and graphic design.