2 Building a publication

Below is a suggested order of common parts of a standard publication (such as a book or a report). The list is not exhaustive, as some publications may have other parts not included here. This guidance applies to all publications, regardless of their format. FAO produces digital formats (EPUB, MOBI, HTML and web PDF) and print PDFs.

2.1 Parts of a publication

2.1.1 Front cover

Include full title and – if applicable – subtitle, series title, series number and ISSN. Authors and editors must not be named on the cover.

FIGURE 2.1 Example of an FAO publication with a title, subtitle, series title, issue number and ISSN
Example of an FAO publication with a title, subtitle, series title, issue number and ISSN
Note: The required citation for this publication is: FAO. 2023. The Progressive Management Pathway for Aquaculture Biosecurity – Guidelines for application. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper, No. 689. Rome. https://doi.org/10.4060/cc6858en

The front cover of a magazine may include features, synopses, highlights and the like.

Not all publications have covers. When a product is designed without a cover, the first page includes the same information a cover would include but may also list authors, if applicable, and photo credits for images on that page. The main text will start on this page.

2.1.2 Inside front cover (and inside back cover)

Where the inside front and back covers of a print PDF are blank and are not included in the page count of the publication, it is possible to remove them from a digital format.

However, where the inside front or back covers are not blank, or where they have been included in the page count, it is not possible to remove them from a digital format.

2.1.3 Front matter (preliminary pages)

Front matter refers to content that comes before the main text. For numbering of front matter, see 2.2.1 Page numbering. Title page

All publication formats except HTML may have a title page. The title page includes the full title and – if applicable – subtitle, series title and series number. This is followed by – if permitted – authors or editors (with their affiliations, if applicable). Any publishers are named in full (no abbreviations), along with the city and year of publication, in the footer. No additional text may be added to the title page. In HTML publications, authors are named under the title. Copyright page

This page is required for certain knowledge products, based on the quality control criteria outlined in the FAO Publications Taxonomy. During quality control, OCCP will confirm whether the copyright page is required and provide corrections or additional details as needed. 

Publications in non-FAO languages use the English disclaimer page and Creative Commons licence unless one of the other FAO languages is better suited. The exceptions to this are Italian and Portuguese. 

Templates in the six FAO languages, as well as Italian and Portuguese, can be downloaded here.

For a co-publication, a customized copyright page will be included, in English, within the co-publishing agreement. This page should be inserted, unchanged, into the publication. It is the authoring unit’s responsibility to have the copyright page translated, if needed, into FAO’s other languages. See 2.5 Copyright, co-publishing and Open Access in the “Publishing policy” for information about co-publishing agreements.

The author disclaimera should be omitted from the copyright page if FAO is named as the, or one of the, corporate authors. The FAO Publications Taxonomy defines which publication content categories can have individual authors and which have corporate authorship. 

If maps with dotted or dashed administrative boundaries are included in the publication, a specific disclaimer sentenceb is added within the general disclaimer. 

The copyright page typically follows the title page but may be placed elsewhere for certain types of publications, such as immediately after the front cover in a report. 

In HTML publications, a link to the copyright section, named <correct-text>Citation and copyright<correct-text> (where there is a required citation) or <correct-text>Copyright<correct-text> (where no citation is required) is placed in the footer. The main navigation of the publication will also link to the content.

Box 2.1 required citation

To write a required citation, combine the following elements with a full stop after each, unless otherwise instructed:

AUTHOR(S) – Individuals’ names are generally written <correct-text>Pavarotti, L.<correct-text> Separate multiple author names with commas and the last two names with <correct-text>and<correct-text> or <correct-text>&<correct-text> (no comma). If there are editors instead of authors, insert a comma after the final name and add <correct-text>ed.<correct-text> or <correct-text>eds.<correct-text> Many FAO publications are given corporate authorship: <correct-text>FAO<correct-text>. More guidance on authorship is available in 2.3 Authorship, editorship and required citation and in the Authorship and plagiarism guidelines.

YEAR – The year of publication.

TITLE – Insert the complete title in italics and using sentence case. To separate the title from the subtitle, use:

  • a full stop for Arabic;
  • a Chinese dash (—) for Chinese;
  • an en-dash (–) for English;
  • a full stop or colon for French; 
  • a full stop for Russian.

EDITION or REVISION (when applicable) – Insert the edition or revision, or both, in sentence case, e.g. <correct-text>Second edition<correct-text> or <correct-text>Revised<correct-text>.

SERIES TITLE and ISSUE NUMBER (when applicable) – Insert the series title using initial capitalization. If there is an issue number, add a comma and insert the number, e.g. <correct-text>FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Papers, No. 693<correct-text>. If the series number is a date, omit No.

PLACE(S) OF PUBLICATION – The city (or cities) of publication. If it is not a capital city, add a comma and the country (use the Short Name from NOCS; see 6.3.1 Country names and regions for some exceptions).

PUBLISHER(S) – Add the publisher(s) only if different from the author(s). Use a comma (not a full stop) to separate the place of publication and the publisher. Insert commas between each publisher and separate the last two with <correct-text>and<correct-text> or <correct-text>&<correct-text> (no comma), e.g. <correct-text>Cairo, FAO, CIRAD & CIHEAM<correct-text>. If co-publishers are publishing in different cities, indicate each location. The location should precede each publisher (e.g. <correct-text>Rome, FAO & Washington, DC, World Bank<correct-text>).

DOI – When supplied by OCCP, insert the full DOI URL. Do not use a full stop at the end.

Examples of correct citations:

FAO & WHO. 2022. Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Lead Contamination in Foods. Codex Code of Practice, No. CXC 56-2004. Rome. https://doi.org/10.4060/cc0579en
Kenney, N. 2022. Achieving de facto gender equality in land, forest and fisheries tenure – Scaling up the adoption of temporary special measures in national legal frameworks. FAO Legal Papers, No. 110. Rome, FAO. https://doi.org/10.4060/cb9701en

The credit for a front or back cover photograph or illustration, or for the hero image of an HTML publication, may be placed at the bottom of the copyright page of a PDF; on the back cover if there is one; on one of the inside covers, if applicable; or at the bottom of the hero image in HTML publications See 2.2.6 Photographs and illustrations for how to credit a photograph.

A QR code related to the publication may be inserted on the copyright page. QR codes are issued by OCCP upon request. Abstract

The abstract (usually 150–200 words and maximum 400 words) is a summary of the publication, designed to help readers quickly understand the main subject and objectives. 

An abstract should include the following information:

  • the main subject of the publication;
  • the methods used to compile the content (research, case studies, missions in the field, external collaborations, etc.);
  • the results or findings;
  • the main audience; and
  • the main conclusions and recommendations. Contents

A table of contents, titled <correct-text>Contents<correct-text>, includes each section of the front matter (except the title page, the copyright page and the table of contents itself); the titles of the first-level headings, such as chapter titles; any second-level (subsection) titles; and each section of the end matter.

The table of contents may contain a subsection that includes all figures, tables and boxes. This is required when there are many stand-alone elements, and suggested if it would be particularly useful for the reader to have quick access. If it benefits the reader, it may be separated into three subsections: <correct-text>Figures<correct-text>, <correct-text>Tables<correct-text> and <correct-text>Boxes<correct-text>. Avoid repeating, for example, <incorrect-text>Figure<incorrect-text> 1, <incorrect-text>Figure<incorrect-text> 2, etc., in such subsections; instead, each entry should contain only the number and title, e.g.:


<correct-text>1. Distribution of households by income in Nicaragua, 1999–2019<correct-text>
<correct-text>2. Distribution of female-headed households by income in Guatemala, 1999–2019<correct-text>

In HTML publications, the table of contents appears as the menu. The list of figures, tables and boxes can be linked to from the footer, in addition to being available via the main navigation. Contributors

A contributors section may only be included in certain cases; see the Authorship and plagiarism guidelines for details. The guidelines state which contributors may be included in this section and how to correctly credit them. This section may be substituted with a masthead when publishing a magazine or journal. 

In HTML publications, a link to the contributors, if applicable, should be placed in the footer. Acknowledgements

This section should be brief, acknowledging organizations and individuals that have made a significant contribution to the preparation and production of the publication but do not appear in the contributors section. Refer to the Authorship and plagiarism guidelines to identify when someone should be recognized as an author and not just acknowledged. Acknowledgements may appear on the same page as contributors. 

In HTML publications, a link to the acknowledgements should be placed in the footer (<correct-text>Contributors and Acknowledgements<correct-text> is also acceptable as a single section heading). Foreword

A foreword is a short introduction to a book, usually written by a person who did not contribute to the content of the main text. It highlights the assets of the publication, underscores its added value, and presents it to its target audience. A foreword is always signed and is used in flagship, general interest and high-profile publications.

In HTML publications, a link to the foreword, if applicable, should be placed underneath the hero image. Preface

A preface introduces a publication, stating its subject, scope and aims. It describes how the idea for the book was developed, mentions any previous editions, and identifies the target audience. The preface is usually written by the author(s) or, for publications with corporate authorship, by the main contributor(s) of the work. This may be substituted with an editorial or letter from the editor when publishing a journal or magazine. 

In HTML publications, a link to the preface, if applicable, should be placed underneath the hero image. Abbreviations

A list of abbreviations used in the publication, with the full terms written out, can be included as necessary. Do not capitalize terms that are not proper names. 

In HTML publications, a link to the abbreviations should be placed in the footer. Executive summary or summary

All publications for which a launch or press release is envisaged must include an executive summary. It is good practice for all other books to include a summary (which is shorter than an executive summary). The goal is to provide a brief overview of the content contained in the publication. Its main audiences are policymakers, decision makers and others who may not have time to read the whole publication but need to access its information rapidly and possibly make decisions based on what they read. An executive summary should be no longer than 10 percent of the whole publication. A good executive summary may lead people to read the rest of the publication. 

In HTML publications, a link to the executive summary should be placed underneath the hero image.

2.1.4 Main text

The main text, or body, of a publication can consist of parts, chapters, sections and subsections, or a combination of these. For example, a short publication may be divided into sections only, while a long publication may have multiple sections and subsections.

The first paragraph of a chapter or section, following a title or heading, is not indented. Otherwise, paragraphs should be indented, unless they are separated by ample white space.

2.1.5 End matter

End matter refers to content that comes after the main text. Bibliography

A bibliography is a list of references to all sources cited in the main text and end matter; it does not include personal communications or sources cited in the front matter. The bibliography may include subsections for some or all figures, tables and boxes. Duplication of sources may occur.

The placement of the bibliographic information within the end matter is flexible. For example, where there are no sources cited in annexes or appendices, it is recommended to insert the list ahead of these sections. 

When using the author–date system, the bibliography is titled <correct-text>References<correct-text> and is organized alphabetically by author. When using the endnote system, it is titled <correct-text>Notes<correct-text> and each entry is numbered by order of first appearance in the text. 

When the author wishes to include sources not directly cited in the text, for the author-date system, the title <correct-text>Bibliography<correct-text> is used in place of <incorrect-text>References<incorrect-text> and the list is subdivided into two lists titled <correct-text>References<correct-text> and <correct-text>Further reading<correct-text> (or <correct-text>Additional resources<correct-text>). When using the endnote system, a separate heading for <correct-text>Further reading<correct-text> (or <correct-text>Additional resources<correct-text>) follows <correct-text>Notes<correct-text>. They are alphabetically arranged by author name.

All references in the bibliographic section, whether ordered by number or alphabetically, are formatted in the same way, see 12.8 Examples of bibliographic style for templates. Glossary

A glossary of terms may be required in some publications. Ensure that all entries are correctly attributed and listed alphabetically. If the glossary is necessary for the understanding of the entire publication, it may be moved to the front matter and placed before the executive summary. Appendix or appendices

Appendices are written by the publication’s author. They contain stand-alone supplementary information to the publication, and, likewise, the publication can stand alone without them. Numbering of figures, tables and boxes begins anew in each appendix, e.g. <correct-text>Table A1.1<correct-text> is the first table in Appendix 1. Annex or annexes

Annexes are written by someone other than the author of the text and are self-contained, stand-alone items, such as the text of a law or news article. Figure, table and box numbering begin anew in each annex, such as by adding A before the number, e.g. <correct-text>Figure A1.1<correct-text>. If a publication includes both appendices and annexes that have figures, tables and boxes, find a way to identify them by either continuing the numbering system from appendices to annexes, or by replacing A with B in the annexes. Index

Few FAO publications require an index. Generating a useful index is not an easy task. It requires skill and a clear understanding of the ideas in the publication. An automatically generated index may prove frustrating to users. Ensure that the index is concise by only including entries of significance to the publication.

2.1.6 Back cover

The back cover should include a blurb (about 250–300 words). The blurb is not a summary or abstract – it is a marketing device that includes interesting highlights and facts to attract readers’ attention. See more information in 3.4 Writing a blurb. In HTML publications, the blurb appears in a section called <correct-text>About this publication<correct-text> and a link should be placed in the footer.

The back cover may include contact information, non-FAO logos and a QR code. QR codes are issued by OCCP upon request. 

The footer is reserved for information provided by OCCP during quality control, such as a barcode or a job number. If a copyright page is not present, the footer may also include:

  • the citation (required only if a DOI is assigned);
  • the copyright holder and year;
  • the Creative Commons licence;
  • the general disclaimer; and
  • disclaimers for maps, authors or third-party logos.

If there is no back cover, the last page may accommodate the standard back cover content, but space must be reserved for the required footer content from OCCP.

2.2 Formatting

2.2.1 Page numbering

Page numbering is required in all formats except HTML publications. 

It is best practice to use lowercase roman numerals (<correct-text>i, ii, iii…<correct-text>) for the front matter and arabic numerals (<correct-text>1, 2, 3…<correct-text>) for the rest of the publication, as the front matter is often compiled separately from the main text. However, it is also possible to use arabic numerals consecutively for the entire publication. The title page is usually the first page to be numbered (either <correct-text>i<correct-text> or <correct-text>1<correct-text>), but neither the title page nor the copyright page display the number. In most books, the table of contents will be on page <correct-text>iii<correct-text> (or <correct-text>3<correct-text>) and is the first page to display a number. In a print PDF, the odd numbers (i, iii, v, etc. and 1, 3, 5, etc.) should appear on the right side of a two-page spread.

When using roman numerals for the front matter, page numbering in arabic numerals begins with the first page of the main text. Thus, for example, Chapter 1 Introduction is page 1. Page numbering continues from main text into end matter without restarting.

2.2.2 Running heads or feet

Traditionally, running heads put the chapter title on the right-hand pages and the publication title on the left-hand pages. For web PDFs and HTML publications, there may be value in combining the chapter title and publication title on every page. Shorten the titles as necessary.

In the end matter, both running heads may indicate the part of the publication. Alternatively, the part of the publication can be put on the left-hand pages (e.g. <correct-text>Appendices<correct-text>) and the specific section on the right-hand pages (e.g. <correct-text>Appendix 3 List of participants<correct-text>). Avoid running heads and feet in the front matter, unless specific sections running over several pages would benefit from them. 

2.2.3 Headings

Use no more than four levels of headings, including the headings for parts and chapters, which should be as concise as possible. Avoid the use of numbered subheadings (e.g. <incorrect-text>2.4<incorrect-text>, <incorrect-text>2.4.1<incorrect-text>) unless necessary for cross-referencing purposes. Ensure that the hierarchy of headings is clear in the design of your document (for example, by formatting the headings in Microsoft Word).

2.2.4 Notes (general)

See 11 Notation (inserting endnotes and footnotes) for information on footnotes and endnotes and how to format them.

Keep footnotes short to minimize layout problems.

2.2.5 Figures, tables and boxes

Figures, tables and boxes should complement, not repeat, the main text. They can also help break up the text, although too many placed consecutively may disrupt the reading experience.

They should be numbered consecutively throughout the main text, e.g. <correct-text>Table 1<correct-text>, <correct-text>Table 2<correct-text>, <correct-text>Box 1<correct-text>, <correct-text>Box 2<correct-text> (numbering restarts in appendices and annexes). More sophisticated numbering may be required for lengthier or multi-authored works. For example, where necessary, the numbering may be arranged by chapter (e.g. for Chapter 9, <correct-text>Figure 9.1<correct-text>, <correct-text>Figure 9.2<correct-text>), depending on the nature and purpose of the work. Figures and tables

Some data are better presented in the form of figures or tables rather than text. Figures and tables should reinforce the message of the publication visually.

All data in a figure or table must be cited. See 11 Notation (inserting endnotes and footnotes) and 12 Referencing and crediting sources for more information.

Figures may include graphs, maps, photographs or illustrations that are informative rather than decorative (e.g. a scientific drawing of the life cycle of a pest, or a photo to identify characteristics of a fish).

Keep in mind:

  • Each figure or table must address a specific subject. Avoid conflating multiple subjects within one figure or table. If using multiple graphs within a figure, ensure they compare like data.
  • Axes, heading rows and legends should be labelled consistently, using sentence case or all-caps, and include relevant units.
  • Refer to all figures and tables in the main text (e.g. <correct-text>see Figure 1<correct-text>). Do not use abbreviations (e.g. <incorrect-text>Fig. 4<incorrect-text>, <incorrect-text>Tab. 6<incorrect-text>). Avoid vague references such as <incorrect-text>see the table above<incorrect-text> or <incorrect-text>refer to the figure below<incorrect-text>.
  • Figures and tables may be separate graphic files, not imported into the Microsoft Word file. Indicate their placement in the Microsoft Word file (close to the first reference to the figure or table). Always provide the designer with the source files (e.g. Microsoft Excel for charts and graphs, or vector format) and always use standard table or spreadsheet software (such as Microsoft Excel) for tables. Otherwise, you risk wasting time and money having them re-created.
  • In line with FAO's forthcoming guidelines on accessible publications, alternative text must be created for every figure and table to facilitate accessibility.

For tables only:

  • Ensure blank cells are not ambiguous. Prefer an en-dash or abbreviations such as <correct-text>n/a<correct-text> (not applicable or not available; specify which in the notes) or <correct-text>n.s.<correct-text> (not significant).
  • Columns of numbers should align neatly, particularly when there are decimal points.
  • When the last row or column contains a number that is the sum of other cells, or when there is a chart with percentages, the total sum must be checked for correctness. Boxes

Boxes support and reinforce the main message of the publication; they do not make the primary argument of the text. Boxes are often case studies, first-hand accounts, opposing perspectives or interesting anecdotal stories: in other words, isolated texts that each have a clear narrative structure. Explain any concepts used in boxes within the box; abbreviations should be written out at first mention. See 11 Notation (inserting endnotes and footnotes) and 12 Referencing and crediting sources for information on citing sources indicated in a box.

2.2.6 Photographs and illustrations 

Captions should be brief and explanatory. If relevant, they should mention the country (use the NOCS Short Name) and project. Photos must carry a credit line. See 12 Referencing and crediting sources for more information.

In line with FAO's forthcoming guidelines on accessible publications, alternative text must be created for every photograph and illustration to facilitate accessibility.

2.2.7 Contact information

Contact information is strongly recommended but not required and may only be placed on the back cover, or in the footer of the last page if there is no back cover. In an HTML publication, it is placed in the footer. It is written in the language of the publication.

It is best practice to use the full “block”. However, on communications materials and short publications without a back cover, the full block may be replaced by a website or email address.

The order of standard elements, layout and formatting are as follows for the full block:

Division – Stream [OR Office or Centre]
Generic email address
Social media links

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
City, Country

Use the current division and stream or the full office or centre name (see the FAO organizational chart for exact wording). Omit abbreviations and the word <incorrect-text>stream<incorrect-text>. Teams and Programme Priority Areas should not be included, but international years and statutory bodies may, provided they are written out in full and include the responsible administrative body, e.g. <correct-text>International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021 Secretariat<correct-text>.

The email address, website and social media links are optional.

A generic email address refers to the address for an office, division or senior manager’s office. Exceptions can be made for other, non-personal addresses, if there is a cogent argument for their relevance. No unofficial email addresses, nor email addresses containing a person’s name, may be used.

The website URL can be shortened to omit http://, https:// and www. Phone numbers should be avoided.

It is possible to use the full mailing address in place of the city and country.

Example 1: For an office

<correct-text>FAO Regional Office for Africa<correct-text>
<correct-text-bold>Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations<correct-text-bold>
<correct-text>Accra, Ghana<correct-text>

Example 2: For a division

<correct-text>Resource Mobilization and Private Sector Partnerships – Partnerships and Outreach
<correct-text-bold>Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations<correct-text-bold>
<correct-text>Rome, Italy<correct-text>

Example 3: For multiple contacts within FAO (can be stacked or put into two columns)

FAO Representation in Haiti
Office of Emergencies and Resilience
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Rome, Italy

<correct-text-bold>Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations<correct-text-bold>

2.3 Authorship, editorship and required citation

For detailed guidance on authorship, please refer to the Authorship and plagiarism guidelines.

2.3.1 Corporate author

The FAO Publications Taxonomy defines the publications that must have corporate authorship and those that may have individual authors. Publications that must be attributed to FAO are:

  • flagship reports and other corporate publications (those that express the official position of FAO or key messages on specific subjects);
  • formal publications such as meeting reports, proceedings or circulars;
  • advocacy and promotional material such as brochures or flyers;
  • certain publications produced under a letter of agreement; and
  • general interest books.

2.3.2 Individual author(s) or editor(s)

For publications that may have individual authors (or editors, for edited volumes), as defined by the FAO Publications Taxonomy, there is no limit to the number of authors or editors. Only contributors who meet all four criteria for authorship as described in the Authorship and plagiarism guidelines may be named in the citation and title page. The order of names, agreed upon by all authors or editors in advance, should be based on magnitude of contribution, regardless of professional ranking or management hierarchy.

Names of authors are never displayed on a cover. For publications with a title page, the names of the authors must be inserted on the title page, below the title and above the publishers. For publications with no cover, the authors should be named below the title and banner at the top of the first page.

Author affiliations are accepted only when authors are not FAO-affiliated. The city is only permitted when it is not part of the organization name. Departments and divisions are not permitted. If an author does not have an institutional affiliation, it is acceptable to use <correct-text>international consultant<correct-text>.

3.3 Required citation

When a copyright page is present, the required citation goes at the top of that page. If there is no copyright page, the required citation goes in the footer of the final page of the publication. When authors are named in the citation, the standard author disclaimer must appear on the copyright page or in the footer of the final page.

OCCP will approve the citation during quality control. See Copyright page for instructions on building a citation.