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Assessing forest integrity and naturalness in relation to biodiversity

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    Establishing best practices and approaches for climate-adapted and biodiversity-friendly integrated natural resource management Farmer Field Schools in cold winter deserts
    Final report
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    Recent population growth in Uzbekistan necessitates increase in productivity of agricultural crops extensively or intensively. This report shows how the concept of a farmer field school can help to improve the food security of small farmers and to involve uncultivated desert lands in production of food crops.By reading this report, you will find out how two farmer field schools were implemented in research sites located in Durmon and Chuya villages of Uzbekistan. The report explains that the improved wheat variety resulted in 116 to 241 percent higher grain yield than the local variety. The second major outcome specified in this report is that winter chickpea was successfully cultivated in the cold winter desert. Read this report to learn the following important impacts:-Adoption of improved wheat varieties would play an important role in improving food security of the farmers living in the cold winter desert of Uzbekistan.-Food security in the cold winter deserts can be improved by cultivating chickpea on previously uncultivated land and help ease pressure on the limited cultivable land in Uzbekistan.
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    Poster, banner
    Earthworm biodiversity from Hyrcanian forests: natural vs. agricultural
    Scientific poster Global Symposium on Soil Biodiversity
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    Scientific poster Global Symposium on Soil Biodiversity
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    Application of Assisted Natural Regeneration (ANR) to enhance forest biodiversity in West Kalimantan, Indonesia
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    West Kalimantan has a high diversity of biodiversity. In Betung Kerihun National Park, at least 1,216 flora species are identified, 75 species of them are endemic to Kalimantan. The area also has at least 48 mammal species, including orangutan and honey bear. Conserving this biodiversity is important to sustain the ecological function. The Assisted Natural Regeneration, introduced by the Forest Investment Program-1 with the objective to provide alternative methodology for conserving biodiversity, improve natural wilding growth, and support in sustainin genetic resources. Vegetation analyses were conducted in several transects representing different forest habitat in West Kalimantan. Both flora and fauna were recorded and analyze on their protection status, abundance, and diversity. A 2,000 Ha within the Danau Sentarum National park area was targeted for the ANR program. Flora/fauna plots were distributed at the peat forest in Pulau Majang Village. At the seedling stage, 5 species were identified. Dichilante borneensis dominated the seedling stage. At the tree stage, a species of Shorea balangaran dominates the strata with more than 1,000 individuals per Ha. Mother trees of Shorea balangaran and Gonystylus bancanus were also identified and marked for future seeds collection. During the forest patrol in the period of September 2020, seedlings were checked and any disturbance (grasses, climbers, tree falls) were removed. ANR focused on liberating seedlings and poles from these disturbances. Additionally, observation on fauna were conducted. Mammal species, reptile, and bird species were identified, in which all of them are protected (CITES I & II and according to the Indonesian regulation). Keywords: biodiversity, forest, regeneration, conservation, Kalimantan, Indonesia ID: 3488269

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