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Fishing Trials With High-Opening Bottom Trawls From Chandipur, Orissa, India - BOBP/WP/48

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    Fishing Trials With High-Opening Bottom Trawls In Palk Bay, Tamil Nadu - BOBP/WP/10 1980
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    This document is the first report of fishing trials held with high-opening bottom trawls in Palk Bay, off Mandapam in Tamil Nadu, India, during March-July 1980. The trials were conducted jointly by the Bay of Bengal Programme and the Government of Tamil Nadu. The main objective of the trials was to as certain the technical and economic feasibility of using high-opening bottom trawls to tap demersal and pelagic stocks of food fish in the Palk Bay areas, and to train local counterparts in the desi gn, construction and use of these trawls. The Bay of Bengal Programme provided a consultant masterfisherman, Mr. John Crockett, to conduct the trials, under the supervision of Mr. G. Pajot, fishing technologist. On behalf of the Tamil Nadu Government, Mr. S. Pandurangan and Mr. P. V. Ramamurthy served as counterparts.
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    High-Opening Bottom Trawling in tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Orissa : A Summary of Effort and Impact - BOBP/REP/37 1987
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    Between 1980 and 1985, the small-scale fisheries project of the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP) demonstrated fishing techniques with various types of highopening bottom trawls in Tamil Nadu and Orissa, in cooperation with the fisheries departments of these states. New deck equipment and machinery and simple trawl rigging accessories for standard Indian coastal trawlers were also locally developed, demonstrated and introduced. In Gujarat, training and experimental fishing in high-opening bott om trawling were conducted early 1983 by CIFNET (Central Institute of Fisheries Nautical and Engineering Training). BOBP provided technical and material support to the Cl FN ET effort. It was hoped that high-opening bottom trawls would help relieve fishing pressure on prawn resources, put idle prawn trawlers to gainful use during the off season and help tap underexploited food fish resources. The innovations with deck equipment and gear accessories were intended to make trawling effort safe r, more efficient and more comfortable. This paper summarizes the results of the high-opening bottom trawl demonstrations and the response to them in the three states. It also sums up the impact of trawling effort following BOBP demonstrations on fishery resources; and discusses the present status of gear designs and of deck equipment. Future prospects concerning high-opening bottom trawling are also discussed.
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    Fishing Trials with Bottom-Set Longlines in Sri Lanka - BOBP/WP/6 1980
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    This paper is the first report of a project to produce better awareness and utilization of Sri Lanka’s demersal or bottom-dwelling fish resources. It describes the rationale, the mechanics and the findings of experiments conducted toward this end between October 1979 and March 1980. Specifically, the experiments were meant to ascertain the suitability of a well-known system of demersal fishery — bottom-set longlining — for Sri Lanka, and to investigate ways of advancing this fishery. The pa per may be useful for fisheries planners and officials who are concerned with increasing fish supplies and for fisheries researchers concerned with new and better fishing methods. It may also serve as a guide for eventual extension if the experiments yield conclusive results. The experiments in demersal fishing are an activity of the Bay of Bengal Programme for the Development of Small-Scale Fisheries, GCP/RAS/040/SWE, in which the Ministry of Fisheries, Sri Lanka, is the cooperating agen cy. The Programme provided a fishing technologist, Mr. G. Pajot, to supervise theactivity and a consultant masterfisherman, Mr. H. H. Juliusson, to conduct fishing trials. The Ministry of Fisheries provided the services of a technical liaison officer, Mr. K. T. Weerasooriya, and a research assistant, Mr. S. S. C. Pieris. Other agencies involved in the project included Lion Trawlers Industries Limited (a private company that provided the boat and the crew used for the experiments); the Ceylo n Fisheries Corporation (CFC), which supplied frozen bait to be used with the bottom longlines; and the Ceylon Fisheries Harbour Corporation (CFHC) which processed fresh bait given by the CFC.

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