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Book (stand-alone)Country gender assessment of agriculture and the rural sector in Maldives 2019
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No results found.The Maldives Country Gender Assessment of Agriculture and the Rural Sector (CGA-ARS, or CGA) report was prepared to inform the country-level planning of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in line with the national development priorities of Maldives and FAO’s corporate Country Programme Framework (CPF) guidelines1 and as mandated by FAO’s Policy on Gender Equality. The objective of the report is to highlight existing gender inequalities in agriculture and the rural sector in Maldives. The CGA was commissioned by FAO Sri Lanka under the overall supervision of Nina Brandstrup, FAO Representative for Sri Lanka and Maldives. The report was drafted by Aminath Latheefa, National Consultant, under the direct guidance and with close engagement of Shafia Aminath, FAO National Correspondent in Maldives. The technical review was carried out by Tina Jayaratnam, Liaison Officer and Gender Focal Point of FAO Sri Lanka and Clara Mi Young Park, Regional Gender Officer, with Bettina Gatt of the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. This comprehensive gender analysis of the agriculture and rural sectors was made possible thanks to the cooperation and response of the Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture in Maldives, state service providers, non-governmental and civil society organizations, and farmers who shared their experiences and provided valuable input on gender dynamics in the fisheries and agriculture sectors. -
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (stand-alone)Workshop on Integrated Reef Resources Management in the Maldives - Bay of Bengal Programme 1997
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No results found.For much of the world's tropical population, coral reefs are synonymous with reef fish and edible marine invertebrates. Reef-related fisheries are important to small-scale fisherfolk, as a source of both protein and livelihood security for local coastal communities. In all of Asia, coral reef resources play a role in the food and livelihood security of coastal communities. Perhaps nowhere in Asia in this role more important than in the Maldives. As a student working group in the Workshop put it, "The whole livelihood of the Maldivians depends on the reef resources." The Republic of Maldives initiated IRRM to improve the management of its reef resources. IRRM is supported by BOBP and combines scientific and fisherfolk knowledge with the expertise and input of all Ministries with jurisdiction in areas impacting reef resources. Issue areas for management under IRRM include (1) Reef fishery (2) Bait fishery for the tuna pole and line fishery (3) Coral mining (4) Tourism and fishery i nteractions and (5) Legal and institutional aspects of IRRM. The IRRM Workshop was convened to share scientific and socio-economic information on the five issue areas and to obtain a common understanding and agreement among the many government agencies, public interest groups and the private sector on the objectives and vision of the IRRN Programme. Participants examined the five issue areas and arrived at a consensus on recommendations to address each issue area. The Report and Proceedings c ontain the recommendations and the papers presented at the Workshop. -
DocumentCommodity Chain Case Study: Analysis of the Suburban Horticulture Sub-Chain of Bamako (Mali) 2005
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