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Seminar Background Studies. Experiences of the European Union in Creating a Single Agricultural Market, 23 January 2014, Moscow, Russian Federation

Policy Studies on Rural Transition No. 2014-4

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    WTO agreement on agriculture : the implementation experience
    developing country case studies
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    In 1999, FAO initiated a major exercise to evaluate the impact of the Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) on agricultural trade and food security in developing countries. Fourteen country case studies were commissioned, and an overview paper synthesizing these experiences and the lessons to be learned was prepared. FAO has now updated this exercise, drawing on a wider set of countries and more recent data. Sixteen country case studies were commissioned by FAO at the beginning of 2002 to review natio nal experiences. In some cases, the studies revisited countries included in the 1999 sample, but the opportunity was also taken to widen the sample by including additional countries. Although the synthesis chapter draws on all 23 of the case studies to date, only the 16 recent studies are included in this volume. These studies attempt to provide answers to four questions concerning the impact of the AoA on developing countries.
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    Agrifood marketing and export promotion policies: case studies of Austria, Brazil, Chile, Estonia, Poland and Serbia
    Synthesis report
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    Increasing exports is one of the most important priorities for governments and plays a prominent role in the development agenda in developing countries, high-income states and all countries between. On the other hand, pursuing the intensification of trade demands a deliberate policy framework tailored to country-specific needs and the interests of producers. In light of this, governments around the globe have developed various export promotion policies – some that share similar characteristics and others that are unique – that can serve as best practices to many. The purpose of this paper is to identify the best promotional practices implemented in different countries and share them with governments planning to adopt or review trade promotion policies and with stakeholders. In light of this, the paper analyses these policies from several points of view, including (1) their institutional framework; (2) practical examples of export promotion measures (such as procedures, grants, and technical assistance to producers); (3) financing opportunities for exporters (such as credit, insurance, and factoring); (4) and measures specifically implemented on internal markets. The paper is made up of the most relevant findings of case studies delivered by country experts from Poland, Austria, Estonia, Serbia, Chile and Brazil.

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