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Qafqaz və Mərkəzi Asiyada çəyirtkə əleyhinə mübarizədə pestisid riskinin azaldılmasına dair praktik təlimatlar

van der Valk, H.. 2022. Qafqaz və Mərkəzi Asiyada çəyirtkə əleyhinə mübarizədə pestisid riskinin azaldılmasına dair praktik təlimatlar. Roma, FAO.

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Кавказ ва Марказий Осиёда чигирткаларга қарши кураш олиб бориш мобойнида пестицидларнинг салбий таъсирини камайтириш бўйича қўлланмалар 2022
    Кавказ ва Марказий Осиё мамлакатларида (КМО) чигирткаларга қарши ку рашиш мақсадида катта миқдордаги инсектицидлардан фойдаланилади. Қоида тариқасида, улар пиретроидлар, неоникотиноидлар ва фосфороар ганик каби кенг миқёсда қўлланиладиган кимёвий инсектицидлар бўлиб, инсон саломатлиги ва атроф-муҳит учун хавф туғдириши мумкин. КМО мам лакатларининг чигирткаларга қарши курашиш бўлинмаларида бу хавф-ха тарларни камайтириш бўйича кўплаб чора-тадбирлар мавжуд. Шунга қа рамай, пестицидларнинг атроф-муҳитга ва инсон саломатлигига таъсири бўйича жамоатчиликнинг қизиқиши кучайиб бораётганлиги, миллий қо нунчиликлар ва халқаро сиёсатнинг янада кенг чегаралари чигирткаларга қарши кураш олиб бориш доимий равишда такомиллаштириб борилишини тақозо қилади.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Practical guidelines on pesticide risk reduction for locust control in Caucasus and Central Asia 2019
    The Guidelines discuss the risks of insecticide handling and use before, during and after locust control campaigns, as well as measures that can be taken to minimize those risks. The Guidelines target three types of staff: 1) Decision makers and campaign organizers – i.e. senior staff in the locust control unit – who require guidance on organizational aspects of risk reduction before, during and after the control campaign; 2) Locust control staff – i.e. control team supervisors, pesticide applicators, drivers, store keepers – who require guidance on best practices and risk reduction measures during the campaign; 3) Monitoring staff – i.e. from specialized human health and environmental monitoring teams – who need guidance and best practices for the monitoring of insecticide application, efficacy, human health and environmental aspects of locust control operations. The Guidelines are structured following the main stages of a locust control campaign. First, the risk reduction measures during the preparation of the campaign are discussed, including insecticide selection, contingency plans, Personal Protective Equipment, human health and the environmental monitoring and training. The second section describes the environmental and health risks during locust control operations. Insecticide transport and storage, use of Personal Protective Equipment, insecticide applications, empty container management, and monitoring of human health and environmental risks are covered. The third section discusses activities after the end of the control campaign, such as management of empty containers, remaining pesticides, or follow-up monitoring. The Selected References at the end of the document provide links to various topics that are discussed in these guidelines.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Kawkazda we Merkezi Aziýada çekirtgelere garşy göreş işleri geçirilende pestisidleriň oňaýsyz täsirini azaltmak boýunça gollanmalar 2022
    Kawkazda we Merkezi Aziýad üçin köpulanylýar. Adatça, piretroidler, neonikotinoidler we organofosfatlar ýaly himiki insektisidler a (KMA) çekirtgelere garşy göreşmek olar täsir edişi giň bolupözünde adamsaglygy we daşky gurşaw üçin howp lap bilýärler. KMA ýurtlarynyň çekirtgelere garşy göreş bölümlerinde bu töwekgelçilikleri azaltmak üçin köp çäreler geçirilýär. Şeýle-de bolsa, pestisidleriň daşky gurşawa we adamyň saglygyna ýetirýän täsirine bolan gyzyklanmalar we has berk milli kanunçylyk hem-de giň halkara syýasaty çekirtgelere garşy göreş usullaryny yzygiderli kämilleşdirmegi talap edýär.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Кавказ ва Марказий Осиёда чигирткаларга қарши кураш олиб бориш мобойнида пестицидларнинг салбий таъсирини камайтириш бўйича қўлланмалар 2022
    Кавказ ва Марказий Осиё мамлакатларида (КМО) чигирткаларга қарши ку рашиш мақсадида катта миқдордаги инсектицидлардан фойдаланилади. Қоида тариқасида, улар пиретроидлар, неоникотиноидлар ва фосфороар ганик каби кенг миқёсда қўлланиладиган кимёвий инсектицидлар бўлиб, инсон саломатлиги ва атроф-муҳит учун хавф туғдириши мумкин. КМО мам лакатларининг чигирткаларга қарши курашиш бўлинмаларида бу хавф-ха тарларни камайтириш бўйича кўплаб чора-тадбирлар мавжуд. Шунга қа рамай, пестицидларнинг атроф-муҳитга ва инсон саломатлигига таъсири бўйича жамоатчиликнинг қизиқиши кучайиб бораётганлиги, миллий қо нунчиликлар ва халқаро сиёсатнинг янада кенг чегаралари чигирткаларга қарши кураш олиб бориш доимий равишда такомиллаштириб борилишини тақозо қилади.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Practical guidelines on pesticide risk reduction for locust control in Caucasus and Central Asia 2019
    The Guidelines discuss the risks of insecticide handling and use before, during and after locust control campaigns, as well as measures that can be taken to minimize those risks. The Guidelines target three types of staff: 1) Decision makers and campaign organizers – i.e. senior staff in the locust control unit – who require guidance on organizational aspects of risk reduction before, during and after the control campaign; 2) Locust control staff – i.e. control team supervisors, pesticide applicators, drivers, store keepers – who require guidance on best practices and risk reduction measures during the campaign; 3) Monitoring staff – i.e. from specialized human health and environmental monitoring teams – who need guidance and best practices for the monitoring of insecticide application, efficacy, human health and environmental aspects of locust control operations. The Guidelines are structured following the main stages of a locust control campaign. First, the risk reduction measures during the preparation of the campaign are discussed, including insecticide selection, contingency plans, Personal Protective Equipment, human health and the environmental monitoring and training. The second section describes the environmental and health risks during locust control operations. Insecticide transport and storage, use of Personal Protective Equipment, insecticide applications, empty container management, and monitoring of human health and environmental risks are covered. The third section discusses activities after the end of the control campaign, such as management of empty containers, remaining pesticides, or follow-up monitoring. The Selected References at the end of the document provide links to various topics that are discussed in these guidelines.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Kawkazda we Merkezi Aziýada çekirtgelere garşy göreş işleri geçirilende pestisidleriň oňaýsyz täsirini azaltmak boýunça gollanmalar 2022
    Kawkazda we Merkezi Aziýad üçin köpulanylýar. Adatça, piretroidler, neonikotinoidler we organofosfatlar ýaly himiki insektisidler a (KMA) çekirtgelere garşy göreşmek olar täsir edişi giň bolupözünde adamsaglygy we daşky gurşaw üçin howp lap bilýärler. KMA ýurtlarynyň çekirtgelere garşy göreş bölümlerinde bu töwekgelçilikleri azaltmak üçin köp çäreler geçirilýär. Şeýle-de bolsa, pestisidleriň daşky gurşawa we adamyň saglygyna ýetirýän täsirine bolan gyzyklanmalar we has berk milli kanunçylyk hem-de giň halkara syýasaty çekirtgelere garşy göreş usullaryny yzygiderli kämilleşdirmegi talap edýär.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Кавказ ва Марказий Осиёда чигирткаларга қарши кураш олиб бориш мобойнида пестицидларнинг салбий таъсирини камайтириш бўйича қўлланмалар 2022
    Кавказ ва Марказий Осиё мамлакатларида (КМО) чигирткаларга қарши ку рашиш мақсадида катта миқдордаги инсектицидлардан фойдаланилади. Қоида тариқасида, улар пиретроидлар, неоникотиноидлар ва фосфороар ганик каби кенг миқёсда қўлланиладиган кимёвий инсектицидлар бўлиб, инсон саломатлиги ва атроф-муҳит учун хавф туғдириши мумкин. КМО мам лакатларининг чигирткаларга қарши курашиш бўлинмаларида бу хавф-ха тарларни камайтириш бўйича кўплаб чора-тадбирлар мавжуд. Шунга қа рамай, пестицидларнинг атроф-муҳитга ва инсон саломатлигига таъсири бўйича жамоатчиликнинг қизиқиши кучайиб бораётганлиги, миллий қо нунчиликлар ва халқаро сиёсатнинг янада кенг чегаралари чигирткаларга қарши кураш олиб бориш доимий равишда такомиллаштириб борилишини тақозо қилади.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Practical guidelines on pesticide risk reduction for locust control in Caucasus and Central Asia 2019
    The Guidelines discuss the risks of insecticide handling and use before, during and after locust control campaigns, as well as measures that can be taken to minimize those risks. The Guidelines target three types of staff: 1) Decision makers and campaign organizers – i.e. senior staff in the locust control unit – who require guidance on organizational aspects of risk reduction before, during and after the control campaign; 2) Locust control staff – i.e. control team supervisors, pesticide applicators, drivers, store keepers – who require guidance on best practices and risk reduction measures during the campaign; 3) Monitoring staff – i.e. from specialized human health and environmental monitoring teams – who need guidance and best practices for the monitoring of insecticide application, efficacy, human health and environmental aspects of locust control operations. The Guidelines are structured following the main stages of a locust control campaign. First, the risk reduction measures during the preparation of the campaign are discussed, including insecticide selection, contingency plans, Personal Protective Equipment, human health and the environmental monitoring and training. The second section describes the environmental and health risks during locust control operations. Insecticide transport and storage, use of Personal Protective Equipment, insecticide applications, empty container management, and monitoring of human health and environmental risks are covered. The third section discusses activities after the end of the control campaign, such as management of empty containers, remaining pesticides, or follow-up monitoring. The Selected References at the end of the document provide links to various topics that are discussed in these guidelines.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Kawkazda we Merkezi Aziýada çekirtgelere garşy göreş işleri geçirilende pestisidleriň oňaýsyz täsirini azaltmak boýunça gollanmalar 2022
    Kawkazda we Merkezi Aziýad üçin köpulanylýar. Adatça, piretroidler, neonikotinoidler we organofosfatlar ýaly himiki insektisidler a (KMA) çekirtgelere garşy göreşmek olar täsir edişi giň bolupözünde adamsaglygy we daşky gurşaw üçin howp lap bilýärler. KMA ýurtlarynyň çekirtgelere garşy göreş bölümlerinde bu töwekgelçilikleri azaltmak üçin köp çäreler geçirilýär. Şeýle-de bolsa, pestisidleriň daşky gurşawa we adamyň saglygyna ýetirýän täsirine bolan gyzyklanmalar we has berk milli kanunçylyk hem-de giň halkara syýasaty çekirtgelere garşy göreş usullaryny yzygiderli kämilleşdirmegi talap edýär.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Кавказ ва Марказий Осиёда чигирткаларга қарши кураш олиб бориш мобойнида пестицидларнинг салбий таъсирини камайтириш бўйича қўлланмалар 2022
    Кавказ ва Марказий Осиё мамлакатларида (КМО) чигирткаларга қарши ку рашиш мақсадида катта миқдордаги инсектицидлардан фойдаланилади. Қоида тариқасида, улар пиретроидлар, неоникотиноидлар ва фосфороар ганик каби кенг миқёсда қўлланиладиган кимёвий инсектицидлар бўлиб, инсон саломатлиги ва атроф-муҳит учун хавф туғдириши мумкин. КМО мам лакатларининг чигирткаларга қарши курашиш бўлинмаларида бу хавф-ха тарларни камайтириш бўйича кўплаб чора-тадбирлар мавжуд. Шунга қа рамай, пестицидларнинг атроф-муҳитга ва инсон саломатлигига таъсири бўйича жамоатчиликнинг қизиқиши кучайиб бораётганлиги, миллий қо нунчиликлар ва халқаро сиёсатнинг янада кенг чегаралари чигирткаларга қарши кураш олиб бориш доимий равишда такомиллаштириб борилишини тақозо қилади.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Practical guidelines on pesticide risk reduction for locust control in Caucasus and Central Asia 2019
    The Guidelines discuss the risks of insecticide handling and use before, during and after locust control campaigns, as well as measures that can be taken to minimize those risks. The Guidelines target three types of staff: 1) Decision makers and campaign organizers – i.e. senior staff in the locust control unit – who require guidance on organizational aspects of risk reduction before, during and after the control campaign; 2) Locust control staff – i.e. control team supervisors, pesticide applicators, drivers, store keepers – who require guidance on best practices and risk reduction measures during the campaign; 3) Monitoring staff – i.e. from specialized human health and environmental monitoring teams – who need guidance and best practices for the monitoring of insecticide application, efficacy, human health and environmental aspects of locust control operations. The Guidelines are structured following the main stages of a locust control campaign. First, the risk reduction measures during the preparation of the campaign are discussed, including insecticide selection, contingency plans, Personal Protective Equipment, human health and the environmental monitoring and training. The second section describes the environmental and health risks during locust control operations. Insecticide transport and storage, use of Personal Protective Equipment, insecticide applications, empty container management, and monitoring of human health and environmental risks are covered. The third section discusses activities after the end of the control campaign, such as management of empty containers, remaining pesticides, or follow-up monitoring. The Selected References at the end of the document provide links to various topics that are discussed in these guidelines.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Kawkazda we Merkezi Aziýada çekirtgelere garşy göreş işleri geçirilende pestisidleriň oňaýsyz täsirini azaltmak boýunça gollanmalar 2022
    Kawkazda we Merkezi Aziýad üçin köpulanylýar. Adatça, piretroidler, neonikotinoidler we organofosfatlar ýaly himiki insektisidler a (KMA) çekirtgelere garşy göreşmek olar täsir edişi giň bolupözünde adamsaglygy we daşky gurşaw üçin howp lap bilýärler. KMA ýurtlarynyň çekirtgelere garşy göreş bölümlerinde bu töwekgelçilikleri azaltmak üçin köp çäreler geçirilýär. Şeýle-de bolsa, pestisidleriň daşky gurşawa we adamyň saglygyna ýetirýän täsirine bolan gyzyklanmalar we has berk milli kanunçylyk hem-de giň halkara syýasaty çekirtgelere garşy göreş usullaryny yzygiderli kämilleşdirmegi talap edýär.

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