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Poultry in the 21st Century

FAO. 2008. Poultry in the 21st Century: avian influenza and beyond. Proceedings of the International Poultry Conference, held 5–7 November 2007, Bangkok, Thailand. Edited by O. Thieme and D. Pilling. FAO Animal Production and Health Proceedings, No. 9. Rome. 

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Poultry sector country review - Egypt 2006
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    This review is intended as a resource document for those seeking information on the poultry sector at national level. It is not exhaustive. Some topics are only partially covered or not covered at all and the document will be supplemented and updated on an ongoing basis. Contributions and feedback are welcome by the author(s), FAO/AGAP and FAO/ECTAD Socio- Economics, Production & Biodiversity Unit.
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    Policy brief
    Africa Sustainable Livestock 2050: Livestock biosecurity from a business perspective
    A case study of poultry producers in Egypt, Kenya and Uganda
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    The growing population, urbanization and increasing incomes will result in an increased demand for animal source food products. To ensure the development of a healthy and productive livestock sector, investments are needed from the public and private sectors. We assess whether poultry producers are in a position to play a role in the development of healthy poultry systems by investing in biosecurity through examples of enterprise budgets of producers from Egypt, Kenya and Uganda. In all three countries, the most important revenue item is sale of broilers (>98 percent of total revenues). The two largest cost items are the purchase of day-old chicks (DOCs) and feed, covering 75 to 92 percent of total costs. Feed is the largest cost item at bigger farms (~5 000 birds per cycle) while purchase of DOCs is the largest cost item at smaller farms (~500 birds per cycle). The observed poultry businesses are profitable, profit margins range from 7 to 56 percent, and annual profits equal 2.3 (Kenya large farm) to 3.5 (Egypt) times the GDP per capita in the countries. Investment in biosecurity can potentially increase profits, however, the impact on profit is very context specific, depending on the different features of the businesses, their exposure to disease risk and market characteristics. We illustrate an example of a small farm in Uganda where profits increased by 10.8 percent after adopting three biosecurity practices.
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    Book (series)
    Biosecurity guide for live poultry markets 2015
    Live poultry markets are an important part of the poultry supply chain in many parts of the world. However, the emergence of avian influenza viruses that can cause severe disease in humans which results from working in or visiting contaminated markets means that some long-standing practices are no longer acceptable. This guide has been produced for live poultry market managers and provides practical options for improving the hygiene and biosecurity of their markets. The guide is structured as a series of questions based on real-life situations and problems. It also contains information on appropriate ways to decontaminate markets and the equipment and vehicles that enter markets. It does not provide a ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution for markets given that these vary from large wholesale markets with a daily throughput of tens of thousands of poultry to small roadside or village markets that operate once or twice per week. Instead, this guide offers a menu of options that can be used to fi nd cost-effective solutions for any type of market. A shift is already occurring away from live bird sales to centralized slaughter, but while live poultry markets continue to operate it is imperative that those that remain are managed in a way that reduces the risk of infection of poultry and humans with avian influenza viruses. This guide will help market managers to achieve this goal.

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