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Book (series)HƯỚNG DẪN VỀ AN TOÀN SINH HỌC TẠI CHỢ KINH DOANH GIA CẦM SỐNG 2016Tài liệu hướng dẫn này cung cấp những giải pháp cho việc cải thiện an toàn sinh học tại các chợ kinh doanh gia cầm sống, tập trung vào các khu vực sẽ mang lại tác động lớn nhất. Tài liệu hướng dẫn đã đưa ra các kịch bản riêng, nhấn mạnh cách nâng cao an toàn sinh học tại chợ nhằm giảm thiểu nguy cơ dịch bệnh lây lan từ gia cầm này sang gia cầm khác, hoặc từ gia cầm sang người.
Book (series)Poultry in the 21st Century 2008
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No results found.The findings and conclusions of the conference are expected to assist in the identification of policy measures that address the consequences of structural change in the poultry sector. Three main themes were identified for the conference: (i) sector trends and impacts; (ii) risks and opportunities for poultry production; (iii) poultry as a development tool. For each of the themes, several authors were identified to prepare background and review papers on specific topics. Five poultry sector country studies were commissioned for important poultry producing countries, namely: Brazil, China, Egypt, India, and Thailand. An expert consultation, including key authors, was held 3-4 May 2007 in Rome to further develop the topics and scope of the conference. -
Book (stand-alone)Biosecurity for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
Issues and Options
2008Highly pathogenic avian influenza, like any disease spread primarily through human activities, is susceptible to biosecurity control measures along the production and marketing chain. It is this that makes biosecurity such an important tool for the control and eradication of H5N1 HPAI. And, because it is human-mediated, the focus must be on changing the behaviours of people in such a way that the risk of disease transmission is decreased. There is no technical barrier to biosecurity in theory, but its successful application requires understanding of the structure and problems of the poultry sector. Biosecurity for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza: Issues and options aims to set biosecurity in the context of the field situation and to propose options for its improvement.
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