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Developments in national healthy and sustainable dietary guidelines: a state of play assessment

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    Home Country Measures that Promote Responsible Foreign Agricultural Investment 2016
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    This paper summarizes the good practices by nine selected OECD countries that seek to promote responsible foreign investment in developing country agriculture, primarily by investors in their territory or jurisdiction. The study provides examples of the increasing trend of home countries in establishing binding legal norms and other mechanisms as safeguards that are relevant for agricultural investment. It finds that States apply some specific provisions to hold private corporate actors investin g in agriculture abroad accountable, for example in regard to bribery of foreign public officials. Investment home countries are also increasingly using safeguards relevant for agricultural investment for companies that are controlled by the State or seek its support. Furthermore, Public-Private Partnerships are increasingly used in development assistance projects as a means to promote responsible agricultural investment. In these cases, the safeguards usually imply the use of negotiated and app roved instruments such as the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT). The Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (CFS-RAI), endorsed in 2014 by the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), will possibly become a major guidance instrument, given recent declarations by the G7 and G20.
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    Report of the FAO Expert Consultation on the Trade Impact of Listeria in Fish Products. Amherst, MA, USA, 17-20 May 1999. 1999
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    The globalization and growth of international trade in fish and fishery products in recent years has made these products one of the most important items traded in terms of value. Concerns regarding the safety of these products has prompted the emergence of a number of new regulations such as a zero-tolerance policy for Listeria monocytogenes in fishery products or the use of a risk based approach to establish maximum limits for Listeria in these products. The paper describes the findings of the FAO Expert Consultation on the Trade Impact of Listeria in Fish Products, held in the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA from 17 to 20 May 1999. It documents the current scientific knowledge regarding the risks of listeriosis in relation to fishery products, discusses current regulations and their impact on trade and provides guidelines for the prevention and control of Listeria in these products.
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    Consequences of biomanipulation for fish and fisheries 2001
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    The main goal of biomanipulation by fish reduction is not a change in the fish community but a change in the aquatic ecosystem. Fish reduction is a method to push the system in another state, usually a shift from algae domination to macrophyte domination. Intensive fish removal is done by one of the following methods: seining (the Netherlands, Germany, UK), trawling (Sweden, Finland), use of rotenone (Norway, USA, Poland) and stocking of piscivorous fish (USA, Germany). If circumstances allow it (reservoir, ponds) draining is combined with seining (the Netherlands, UK, Poland). The intensity and duration of fishing differs per case, but is quite important for the way the system changes. Fishing may be combined with stocking of predatory fish, mainly pike and pikeperch (or walleye)......

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