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National food control systems assuring food safety

Conference Room Document proposed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

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    Integrated approaches to the management of food safety throughout the food chain 2002
    Most countries with systems for recording foodborne disease have reported significant increases in the incidence of diseases caused by pathogenic micro-organisms in food over the past few decades. As many as one person in three in industrialized countries may be affected by foodborne illness each year and the situation in most other countries is probably even worse. Apart from the deaths and human suffering caused by foodborne disease, the economic consequences are enormous, running into billion s of dollars in some countries. In Europe bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, "Mad cow disease") and contamination of food with dioxins led consumers to lose confidence in the safety of foods on the market, with severe economic consequences. In many cases, the origins of food safety problems can be traced back to contamination of animal feed or other factors in the early parts of the food chain, an area which until fairly recently had received scant attention from those responsible for food s afety.
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    Examples of comprehensive and integrated approach to risk analysis in the food chain - experiences and lessons learned
    An integrated approach to food safety covering the whole of the food chain and beyond: Sweden, Finland and the European Commission
    This paper explains the need and application of a holistic approach to risk analysis and food safety throughout the food chain, at national, regional and international level. Responsibilities of those who produce, process and trade food are explained, with details of those responsibilities. Tackling problems at source using a preventive and integrated approach is emphasised and successful examples (such as the control of salmonella in poultry in Sweden and Finland) are explained. The paper concl udes by recognising the need to develop systems for detecting emerging risks, as they arise, at any point in the food chain.
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    Terrorist Threats to Foods
    Conference Room Document proposed by the World Health Organisation
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    The potential for terrorists to deliberately contaminate foods must be taken seriously. On 17 January 2002, the WHO Executive Board adopted a resolution (EB109.R5) that recognized the importance of safeguarding food in a global public response to the deliberate use of biological and chemical agents and radionuclear attacks to cause harm. Reducing these threats of sabotage will require an unprecedented degree of co-operation among health, agriculture, and law enforcement agencies of governments; the food industry and others in the private sector; and the public. Public health authorities must not only take the lead in surveillance and incident response for disease and other adverse public health events, they must also strongly support preventive measures along the entire food chain. A substantial involvement of the food industry and others in the private sector in the development and implementation of measures to prevent, detect, and respond to incidents of deliberate contamination is e ssential. Individual consumers must be aware of the potential for deliberate, as well as inadvertent, contamination in their procurement and preparation of food.

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