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A medium for innovation in natural resource management

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    Innovative agriculture, livestock and natural resource management in Somalia
    Gender-sensitive approaches promoted by the Rome-based Agencies Resilience Initiative
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    From 2017 until 2023, the United Nations Rome-based Agencies (RBA) – the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the World Food Programme (WFP) – implemented a joint initiative funded by the Government of Canada aimed at strengthening resilience for food security and nutrition, in Somalia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the Republic of Niger. This joint initiative aimed to bridge humanitarian and development objectives and meet immediate food needs while sustainably increasing food security in regions affected by protracted and recurrent crises, with a specific focus on vulnerable women and children. In Somalia, the joint RBA initiative targeted the same beneficiaries for the entire project’s duration with the intention of enhancing nutritious food availability and access as well as increasing income through safety nets, whilst strengthening the capacity of women, communities and local authorities in decision-making and management of natural resources. This good practice presents the RBA initiative in Somalia and its resilience-building layering and sequencing model of multisectoral interventions, built around traditional and alternative livelihood pathways, including kitchen and market gardens, beekeeping husbandry, Prosopis juliflora processing into alternative livestock feed and charcoal as well as natural resource management.
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    Nature-based tourism governance as one of the innovative approaches to protected area management and governance
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Nature-based tourism (NBT) is treated as one of the crucial income-generating opportunities for the local communities who are directly and indirectly depended on the natural resources of the protected areas of Bangladesh. Being a multi-stakeholder-based business, NBT development and practice in the ecologically sensitive forest-based protected areas is encapsulated as a complex phenomenon which have further been aggravated due to the application of co-management approach (CMA). CMA is as an alternative management approach to the protected areas of Bangladesh. The CMA is enticing a paradigm shift in protected area management which is basically designed to promote biodiversity conservation through improving its governance and creating income generating opportunities particularly for the local resource user groups. The study explored that NBT governance performs a vital role in ensuring the management and governance of protected areas. Several governance dimensions (participation, accountability, transparency, power, rules of law, and social learning) were studied to analyse how the management and governance of protected areas were persuaded considering CMA as a shared governance approach. The findings of the case study showed that each of the governance dimensions of NBT positively influenced the management and overall governance of Lawachara National Park which facilitated the acceptance and applicability of NBT not only as an income generating opportunity but also a tool to promote the management and governance of the Park. There were many challenges (like lack of trained human resource, incentives, monitoring and tourism management strategies, coordination among the concerned stakeholders, and so on) to practice NBT in a systematic way. Addressing these challenges effectively are expected to further improve the tourists’ experiences as well as the hosts’ experiences that will ultimately improve the overall management and governance status of protected areas. Keywords: nature-based tourism; co-management approach; shared governance; protected area management; complexities ID: 3486697
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