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Assessing wild forest products using a real-time forest resource and planning system

XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022

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    A Real-Time European Forest Monitoring System – (RT-EFMS)
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    42% of European surface are forest eco-systems facing various impacts by climate change effects, leading to unpredictable outcomes and uncertainties for society and for forest-based industries, a green booster of circular economy. Forest ecosystems are not limited by geo-political borders, creating extra burden by combining and connecting expertise, competences and building knowledge-based capacities for best solutions. Throughout Europe, knowledge, expertise and long-lasting experience exists within various networks of specialists in forest and environmental research. The current tools, instruments, models and networks are insufficient to address the overall complex framework and to provide information and expertise for the adaptation to climate change and for reinforcing resilience in the eco-systems and the depending value chains. The frequencies and the dimension of these impacts require concise actions, huge capacities and competences to be mobilised in a very short manner. Adaptation strategies as well as urgent actions to manage disturbances lack good data and accessible real life-time actual information. Therefore, it is essential to develop a monitoring system that will be based upon a vibrant expert network, connecting local forest information to a European network information system, coordinated by an independent expert team. The system will digest and analyse data to provide actualised knowledge and information back to users to support their specific (local) needs. Essential tools like the Forest Information System for Europe – FISE, developed by the European Environment Agency (EEA) as well as the Copernicus earth observation programmes and many other existing inventories, models, decision support systems etc., could be further fine-tuned by feeding-in regularly actualised data on forest ecosystems. An independent expert group provides forecast information on various scenarios for accompanying forest adaptation and management strategies. Keywords: Monitoring and data collection, Knowledge management, Sustainable forest management, Climate change, Adaptive and integrated management ID: 3483957
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    The potential cure for COVID-19: The role of medicinal non wood forestal products and the promising public policies for its use in pandemics times
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    A new coronavirus (SARS-CoV2) had shocked our economy and our lives causing panic and chaos since February 2020. This novel disease locked us down at home and collapsed the Health System in Bolivia which caused thousands of deaths for the lack of prompt attention. This situation drove unprotected population to seek for alternative treatments under the favorable legislation for Ancestral Traditional Medicine using Non-Wood Forest Products, plants and trees. Traditional Medicine had been an alternative treatment for human diseases for centuries and its practices were transmitted by person to person. Nowadays, in the emergence of this new disease, the scientific research had noted that some NWFP and parts of plants and trees had striking effects on respiratory diseases such as SARS, MERS and SARS-CoV2. These studies showed promising results in inhibiting, preventing and coating against the new coronavirus with a wide variety of preparations and presentations. To show the latest research on Alternative Medicine, an accurate scientific literature review was made that allowed the classification in three Groups: (10) to prevent infection and enhance immunity, (14) essential oils for vaporization and (3) antiviral coating. On the Bolivian scenario, there are two groups of medicinal plants for respiratory diseases. The group of Infusions is composed by 21 species from 14 families. The group of vaporization is composed by 4 species from 4 families. Furthermore, the legal enabling environment in the Bolivian scenario with the Law No 459 Ancestral Traditional Medicine and the Alternative Treatment for the COVID-19 disease with Non Wood Forestal Products and parts of plants are novel public policies for all Bolivians. Keywords: Non Wood Forestal Products, Respiratory diseases, Ancestral Traditional Medicine, favorable legal frameworks ID: 3481420
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    Satellite remote sensing-based forest resources assessment methods for effective management and sustainable development of forests by generation of information on forests and trees outside forest cover
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Satellite based remote sensing methods have proved to be an effective and scientifically proven method for managing and conserving forest data and resources at periodic time intervals. The forest resources monitoring methods provide useful data to forest managers for sustainable forest management at different scale and forest management units. Over the years the scientific management of forest have been a subject globally discussed incorporating the role of environmentalist, conservationist and communities associated with the forest. It has been an unhidden fact that forests have suffered tremendous pressure in developing countries on the pretext of development. It is through effective monitoring and communication of forest information and knowledge that the concerned provincial governments are forced to take remedial measures for protecting the forests. Apart from the government owned forests, termed as Recorded Forest Areas(RFA) in India, Trees outside forests(TOF) are well acknowledged as an important component of forest resources. The ToF, which basically exist as block, linear and scattered plantations on earth are captured using LISS-III sensor of Indian Remote Sensing Satellite. For the national level scale mapping, all patches of area 1hectare and above are considered for estimation. For mapping of ToF patches of size between 0.1-1hectare, high resolution data from LISSIV sensor(5.8metres resolution) is analyzed. It has been now a well-established fact that trees outside RFAs, although in small proportion, contribute significantly to forest conservation and meeting the demand of people towards minor forest produce, firewood etc. The exercise on forest change detection using a hybrid method, is effective in identification of significant forest change. The assessment of forests and ToFs using satellite data and advance image processing tools may be helpful in effective management and long term sustainability of forests in developing countries. Keywords: [Recorded Forest Area, Trees Outside Forest, National Forest Inventory, FSI, Neural Network, Machine Learning] ID: 3622277

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