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Book (stand-alone)Proceedings of the FAO Global Conference on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization
Rome, 27–29 September 2023
2024Also available in:
No results found.The Global Conference on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (GAMC) organized by FAO from 27 to 29 September 2023 provided a neutral platform for global stakeholders to discuss sustainable agricultural mechanization for agrifood systems transformation. The conference covered various themes like crop production, post-harvest and agroprocessing, climate change and resilience, digitalization and automation, supply chain and standards, models and multistakeholder engagement, and creating an enabling environment. The proceedings feature abstracts of speeches and presentations and culminate in a compelling call to action to guide future efforts for promoting sustainable agricultural mechanization towards 2030 and beyond. -
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (series)Strategies for sustainable animal agriculture in developing countries 1993
Also available in:
No results found.he FAO Expert Consultation on Strategies for Sustainable Animal Agriculture in Developing Countries was held at the FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy, from 10 to 14 December 1990.Animal agriculture is a complex, multi-component, interactive process that is dependant on land, human resources and capital investment. Throughout the developing world it is practised in many different forms, in different environments and with differing degrees of intensity and biological efficiency. As a result any meaningful discussion of the subject must draw on a broad spectrum of the biological and earth sciences as well as the social, economic and political dimensions that bear so heavily on the advancement of animal agriculture. There is a growing consensus among politicians, planners and scientists alike that livestock production in the third world is not developing as it should, or at a sufficient pace to meet the high quality protein needs of a rapidly expanding human population. The sobering reality is, despite the many development projects implemented over the years by national, bilateral and multinational agencies and often substantial capital investment, there has been little or no change in the efficiency of animal production in the developing world. Livestock numbers have increased substantially in many countries and while the growth in output is welcome, it does not necessarily equate with sustainable productive growth. On the contrary it can, as it has done in the drought prone arid regions, lead to a lowering of productivity and degradation of the rangelands.The purpose of the Expert Consultation was to discuss and formulate specific criteria and questions relating to the planning and implementation of sustainable livestock production programmes in the developing world. There is increasing concern regarding the conservation of the natural resource base and protection of the global environment and FAO attaches highest priority to the sustainable development of plant and animal agriculture. This Expert Consultation is one of a number of initiatives being undertaken by FAO to ensure the sustainability of it's agricultural development programme. The discussion and recommendations arising from this Expert Consultation have been used to help to focus and guide global, regional and national policies and action programmes on the sustainable development of agriculture and have provided an important contribution to the FAO/Government of the Netherlands International Conference on Agriculture and the Environment held in the hague, 15–19 April, 1991. -
Book (series)Leveraging automation and digitalization for precision agriculture: Evidence from the case studies
Background paper for The State of Food and Agriculture 2022
2022Also available in:
No results found.Digital and automation solutions for precision agriculture can improve efficiency, productivity, product quality and sustainability. Nevertheless, barriers to adoption of such solutions – including their cost, lack of knowledge and skills, and the absence of an enabling environment and infrastructure – can prevent producers from realizing these benefits. Building on findings from 22 case studies worldwide, this study finds that national data policies and infrastructure are key enablers of adoption, as is investment in connectivity (e.g. internet) and electricity in rural areas. Further research and information on the economic, environmental and social impacts of the solutions are also needed to provide evidence on their benefits. So too is investment in human capacity development, particularly digital literacy. To ensure an inclusive process, solutions must be adapted across agricultural production systems, regions and farm types. Partnerships and networks for exchanging information and promoting collaboration will key. Finally, awareness raising and communication are important since consumers can be skeptical about food being produced by new technologies. In summary, by focusing on a variety of solutions, this study provides a landscape analysis of digital and automation solutions and offers guidance to accelerate adoption for more inclusive, sustainable and resilient agrifood systems.
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