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FInal report

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    Final report 1983
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    This is the final report of a marine engineer who worked in the Sudan from December 1980 to January 1983. It describes the activities carried out relating to equipment supplied through the FAO Project and also in connection with privately owned boats and engines. A major achievement was the establishment of a fully equipped workshop at Mohamed Qol, with competent mechanics trained by the expert. Some considerations are given regarding the alternatives of using trucks or boats to transport fish a nd ice to remote villages such as Mohamed Qol. It is recommended that the problem of obtaining counterparts to work in such locations be overcome by providing better facilities and financial incentives; that closer supervision be given to the construction of fishing boats sponsored by the Fisheries Department; that attention be given to the problem of an adequate water supply in Mohamed Qol; and that additional workshops be established in Halaib and Trinkitat.
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    Final report 1983
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    The report presents the work done by the statistics expert who joined the Project in June 1979. His Terms of Reference deals with the design and execution of fisheries statistical surveys; planning and implementing of fisheries statistical systems appropriate to the region. A second stage statistical programme fulfilling these objectives was introduced.
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    Final report
    Yemen Arab Republic
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    This is the final report of a marine engineer who worked in Hodeidah (YAR) from July 1980 to December 1981. The report describes the work undertaken, which was mainly concerned with completion of an improved type of sambuk, built with a transom stern to permit operation as a stern trawler. After the vessel was completed, the engineer undertook successful demonstration fishing trials to provide training for a local crew. In addition to his work on the sambuk, which included carrying out extensive repairs after the vessel had sunk at her moorings, the engineer was responsible, during the later stages of his stay in YAR, for all project administrative matters in Hodeidah. He also carried out regular repair and maintenance of project vehicles. On his departure from the country, all project equipment was officially handed over to the Government agency responsible for fisheries. During his stay in YAR the engineer was required to visit Quseir (Egypt) where he established a marine workshop. P roblems encountered were inadequate support from the Government counterpart agency and security regulations which prevented freedom of movement. On the credit side, the vessel proved to be as successful fishing unit and the local crew easily adapted to the mechanized fishing methods.

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