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DocumentGarantir l’expansion durable de l’aquaculture au Bangladesh - TCP/BGD/3501 2017La production aquacole (pisciculture) au Bangladesh qui a enregistré une augmentation de près de 200 pour cent entre 2001 et 2015, atteint maintenant un peu plus de deux millions de tonnes. La durabilité d’une expansion accrue dépendra de l’obtention de semences et d’aliments de haute qualité qui seront produits, distribués et utilisés de manière efficace, socialement équitable et respectueuse de l’environnement. Le projet a permis de renforcer la qualité des semences en lançant un programme d’é levage sélectif devant produire des reproducteurs améliorés et en élaborant de meilleures directives relatives à la gestion des écloseries. La qualité des aliments a été renforcée par la mise en place de systèmes de surveillance garantissant que les agriculteurs aient accès à des aliments de haute qualité et non frelatés.
ProjectEnhancing urban horticulture production in Bangladesh - TCP/BGD/3503 2019
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No results found.Bangladesh is characterized by a high rate of urbanization, giving rise to three major problem groups for urban environment sustainability, namely population growth, the depletion of resources and atmospheric pollution. The leading development challenge of the country today is to include poverty alleviation, sustainable development and environmental management in the context of its rapidly growing population. Against this background, the project aimed to increase horticulture production in two of the country’s most densely populated cities, Dhaka and Chittagong, to contribute to food security and create a positive impact on urban environment. -
ProjectDevelopment of Agricultural Diploma Education in Bangladesh - TCP/BGD/3604 2020
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No results found.Enhancing crop productivity is one key to securing food security in Bangladesh. The productivity of the crop sector in Bangladesh has increased significantly over time. The challenge, however, is to continue this momentum in the coming decades as the population grows and land is lost to other economic uses. The use of innovative demand-based technologies will help to meet this challenge. In the crop sector, new technologies are tested and delivered by front-line field extension staff of the Department of Agricultural Extension and private-sector organizations. To qualify for such positions, applicants require an agriculture diploma from the country’s Agricultural Training Institutes. In order to keep pace with changing agricultural knowledge and the demands of a modern agricultural extension service, the ATI diploma curriculum needed to be updated, along with teaching methods and institutional management. The project addressed these issues on a pilot basis, in partnership with DAE, for subsequent scaling-up by the Government of Bangladesh.
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