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International Conference on Banana Fusarium Wilt in Africa

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Preventing the spread and introduction of banana fusarium wilt disease Tropical race 4 (TR4)
    Guide for travelers
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    Banana is an important crop for food security and ensuring the livelihoods of approximately 400 million people who depend on the crop either as a staple food or source of income, particularly in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Plant pests and diseases can seriously affect agricultural production and livelihood of rural people. Fusarium wilt of banana is one of the key examples of crop devastation by a plant disease. This disease brought the banana export industry almost to a halt in the 20th century when the popular banana variety Gros Michel was devastated in Central America. The sector was saved by the introduction of the Cavendish variety, which is resistant to race 1 of the fungus. However, Cavendish bananas are now succumbing to a new, highly aggressive strain of the Fusarium wilt fungus, Tropical race 4 (TR4). Fusarium wilt TR4 threatens almost all banana producers, posing the greatest risks to countries producing Cavendish bananas in monoculture plantations in Asia, Australia, Africa, the Near East, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Cavendish bananas, which constitute approximately half of the bananas grown globally are highly susceptible to TR4, but other dessert banana varieties grown in these regions are also susceptible. Once established in a banana plantation, the fungus can survive in the soil for decades with its chlamydospores, even without banana plants. Scientific reports indicate the presence of TR4 in numerous countries in Asia (China – mainland and Taiwan Province), India, Indonesia, Israel, Jordan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Malaysia, Myanmar,
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    Capacity Development on Diagnostic and Surveillance System of Banana Fusarium Wilt Disease - TCP/RAS/3619 2020
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    Banana is the fruit accounting for the largest quantityof international and domestic trade, supporting around8 million farmers in Asia for their daily income. The bananaindustry, however, is beset with the damage caused byFusarium wilt, a disease that spreads through movementof planting materials or soil attached to non-hosts. Thedisease caused the complete collapse in internationaltrade of the Gros Michel banana variety in the early 1900s,although the situation stabilized following the introductionof the Cavendish cultivar in the 1920s. In the 1980’s,however, the Cavendish cultivars also succumbedto Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Tropical Race 4(hereafter referred to as “Foc TR4”).At regional level, Foc TR4 was detected in Taiwan in the1980s and spread to Indonesia and Malaysia in the 1990s.The disease has now reached China and the Philippines,while the National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs)of Cambodia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic,Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam have reported theobservation of infested banana areas. Amid fears thatthe disease might spread, affecting banana production bysmall farmers for national and export markets, a requestwas made to FAO for technical support to control thedisease.The project focused on the importance of detectionsurveys to determine the status and extent of Foc TR4disease infestation in recipient countries, in an attemptto mitigate and prevent its spread to new areas. Its aimwas to build the capacity of the six recipient countries todevelop and advocate the viable options for mitigatingthe incursion and preventing the spread of bananaFoc TR4 disease.As a result of project activities, regional and nationalcontrol strategies for Foc TR4 were developed during ameeting of
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Preventing the spread and introduction of Banana Fusarium Tropical race 4 (TR4)
    TR4 Global Network - An initiative of the World Banana Forum
    Preventing the spread and introduction of Banana Fusarium Tropical race 4 (TR4) disease is a summary of a more extensive guide for travellers, targeting occasional and regular travellers to or from banana and plantain production areas. The quick guide aims to raise awareness and provide direction on preventing the spread of the highly virulent pathogen known as Tropical Race 4 (TR4. The document opens with a brief historical background on the banana fusarium wilt disease that have affected banana and plantain plants over several decades. Today, TR4 threatens almost all banana and plantain producers, posing the greatest risks to countries producing Cavendish bananas in monoculture plantations in Asia, Australia, Africa, the Near East, Latin America and the Caribbean. Once established in a banana or plantain plantation, the fungus can survive in the soil and in alternative host plants for decades. Finally, the quick guide offers recommendations: for regular and occasional travellers and local or international visitors; for farmers, professionals, technicians and employees visiting disease-free banana and plantain farms in areas where TR4 infestation has been recorded; and additional recommendations for visiting farms infested with TR4 for obligatory and work-related reasons.

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