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Development in the European Agrifood Markets: Impact on Producers and Consumers and Perspectives

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    The interest in contract farming as a mechanism to coordinate linkages betweenfarmers and agribusiness firms has increased considerably in the recent past.Thispaper reviews the changes in agri-food systems that are leading to tightercoordination ofsupply chains and discusses the theoretical basis for contract farmingas a chain governance strategy.It is argued that the need to minimize transaction costsin light ofincreasing uncertainty,asset specificity and market failures associated withchanges in agri-food systems will continue favouring the intensification ofcontracting in supply chain management in food and agriculture.
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    Market research for agroprocessors 2003
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    Market research is essential before embarking on any agroprocessing venture. This guide describes, in fairly simple terms, the market research that agroprocessors can carry out, and some of the ways of doing such research. It is addressed to entrepreneurs and companies who are planning to develop or expand medium-sized agroprocessing businesses. It is also intended to be used by banks who need to understand the potential market before lending for agroprocessing, by consulting firms and individua ls offering market research services in developing countries and by government agencies and policy-makers interested in developing the agroprocessing sector.
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