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Food Security Country Brief

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    Guinea Food Security Country Briefs, June-August 2010 2010
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    Access to food is negatively affected by high prices and inflation rates; The election process is underway and political tension continues. A violent storm has caused extensive damage to crops; According to different agencies, in the short term the country faces localized food insecurity which will scale up to a serious hunger problem in the longer term; WFP in partnership with the Government supported vulnerable groups with food transfers.
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    Food Security Country Brief 2010
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    In recent months cereal prices have continued to follow a gradually decreasing trend and maize prices in the capital city were lower than prices on the international market. Pockets of food insecurity exist due to different localized shocks such as poor rains in the southeast or floods in Amhara region, while tensions with rebel groups continue. Food security is improving throughout the country, and the number of people in need of food assistance during the last months of the year decr eased to 2.3 million. The government with the help of international agencies is continuing to assist the population while investing in agricultural production to increase food security.
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    Food Security Country Brief 2010
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    Rice prices in local markets have shown an upward trend since July/August peaking at very high levels in December. A political crisis and civil unrest was reported in the country as the referendum for the new constitution took place in November. The food security situation is particularly severe in the South where crops were affected by drought. Agencies estimate 2.5 million people are severely food insecure. Government policies in food security and agriculture are hampered by the poli tical tensions.

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