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Protect-Ed: Improving Forest and Protected Area Management in Trinidad and Tobago

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    Improving forest and protected area management in Trinidad and Tobago. Marine Protected Area. Final Report. GCP/TRI/004/GFF 2013
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    This report describes the activities and findings of the marine protected area specialist team engaged by the FAO Trinidad and Tobago Country Office in June and July 2013 to contribute to the overall project: “Improving Forest and Protected Area Management in Trinidad and Tobago (GCP/TRI/004/GFF)”. The activities of the team focused on a proposed marine protected area in North East Tobago.
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    Improving forest and protected area management in Trinidad and Tobago. Ecotourism. Final Report. GCP/TRI/004/GFF 2013
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    The full report of the Ecotourism Specialist provides significant detail including templates and information that can be used in establishing ecotourism in the new Protected Area System for Trinidad and Tobago. In Chapter 1, the report details the potential, opportunities and inadequacies for the establishment of ecotourism in the Trinidad and Tobago Protected Area System. This chapter also recommends strategies for the establishment of ecotourism including a user fee system and provides an over view of locally adaptable best practices and a list of useful documents is provided within the References. Chapter 2 provides information to guide Ecotourism Development and Management within the System generally and within the two selected sites specifically. Chapter 3 addresses Barriers, Risks and Threats along with Mitigation Strategies and Chapter 4 deals with Capacity Needs and recommendations. The following are key recommendations to make ecotourism operational within the two selected prot ected areas within the context of establishment of ecotourism within the wider system of national protected areas.
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    Terminal evaluation of the project “Improving forest and protected area management in Trinidad and Tobago”
    Project code: GCP /TRI/003/GFF GEF ID: 4750
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    This report presents the main findings from the terminal evaluation of the project “Improving forest and protected area management in Trinidad and Tobago”. The project, funded by GEF and implemented by FAO, sought to conserve globally important biodiversity and ecosystems in Trinidad and Tobago. The evaluation focuses on results achieved, it identifies the impact of the project, the sustainability of project outcomes and the degree of achievement of the outcomes in the long-term. It was also conducted to analyse achievements and challenges of the project in meeting stated objectives, identify best practices and lessons learned, and promote adaptive learning for future projects and programming.

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