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Report of the second meeting of the SCSA Working Group on Stock Assessment Methodologies, on basic methods and protocols to undertake assessments with direct methods. Libya, 2-4 June 2008

<i>Meeting document GFCM:SAC11/2008/Inf.13</i>

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    By agreement between the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania and the Norwegian Agency for International Development (NORAD), the fishery research vessel “Dr. Fridtjof Nansen” is scheduled to undertake two surveys of the fishery resources in Tanzanian waters in 1982. This is a brief preliminary report of the first cruise that was carried out in the period 16 June - 8 July 1982. The vessel is operated by the Institute of Marine Research in Bergen, Norway, and local scientists p articipate in the cruises.
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    Report of the ad hoc working group on the coastal pelagic stocks of the western Gulf of Guinea
    Held at the Centre de Recherches Océanographique, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire 10–16 December, 1990
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    The objective of the working group was to update the statistics on the stocks of small pelagic fishes in the western Gulf of Guinea (Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Benin), refine the data, acquire a better understanding of the biology of the species and identify methods for a better evaluation of the stocks. The four species of concern to the Working Group were: Sardinella aurita, S.maderensis, Scomber japonicus and Engraulis encrasicolus. The sensitivity of coastal pelagic species to environ mental factors was emphasized and upwellings, discharge of coastal rivers into the sea, coastal currents, winds were related to the fisheries. The fisheries were described and in addition to the analysis of catch and CPUE data, a time-space analysis of catch statistics, yield and length frequencies were carried out, particularly for S. aurita and S.maderensis. The Working Group reviewed the biological data available and the hypotheses already put forward on the nature of the stocks of the differ ent species. Stocks assessments were based on CPUE and length frequencies data. The Working Group concluded that the recent modification of the productivity of the ecosystem was favourable to the fisheries and high catch rates and CPUE of Sardinella aurita show that the related stock (or stocks) are recovering. The Working Group recommended to pursue the study of relevant physical and oceanographical factors, to strengthen statistics, biology and data processing. Multivariate analysis were al so recommended to establish for the principal species, the typology of strata defined by fishing zone-month-gear within which reliable abundance index should be calculated.

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