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Maldives and FAO: Achievements and Success Stories

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    Review on the current status of fisheries/aquaculture and policies of Cambodia relevant to RFLP
    Regional Fisheries Livelihoods Programme for South and Southeast Asia. (GCP/RAS/237/SPA)
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    Cambodia is endowed with rich fisheries resources provided by both the freshwater fisheries of the Mekong and the Tonle Sap river system, and coastal and offshore marine fisheries. The fisheries sector in Cambodia plays a very important role in the national economy, making a significant contribution to employment and livelihoods of the poor, to food security and to GDP. Fisheries production is estimated to be worth around US$ 200-300 million at the point of landing, and the fisheries harvest, pr ocessing and trade contributes 8-12% of GDP. The export value of fish products is estimated to be as high as US$ 100 million annually. Cambodian people and especially the rural poor consume on average 52.4kg of aquatic products per person per year (MRC Technical Paper, number 16, 2007). Cambodia’s fisheries provide full-time, part-time and seasonal employment for up to 6 million people, and the employment provided is especially important in the rural areas where there are few job opportunities. The fisheries sector make a very significantly contribution to domestic food security especially to rural communities, providing 81.5% of the animal protein in the national diet and also providing a critical source of essential vitamins and micro-nutrients. The Royal Government of Cambodia, has recognized how important and crucial the sector is to people's livelihoods, to national well-being and the national economy, and one side of the national Rectangular Strategy is devoted to fisheries refor ms aimed at law enforcement, action plan development and implementation, and strengthening of all the relevant institutions to enable them to achieve national goals for environmental fisheries protection, conservation of bio-diversity, socio-economic development, good governance and poverty alleviation. These goals are clearly stated in the Royal Cambodian Government's political program for the fisheries sector, as well as in the Socio-Economic Development Plan, the Preliminary Strategy of Pover ty Alleviation, and the Good Governance Action Plan. Moreover, the Royal Government of Cambodia’s statement on the national fisheries sector policy was endorsed in 2005 and the Strategic Planning Framework for Fisheries 2010-2019 (SPF) was drafted in 2009, and will be endorsed soon in 2010. In an effort to achieve the above goals, policies and plans, significant time, manpower and funds have been committed by the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) and by bi-lateral and regional Development Partn ers (DP). However, much work and many additional activities remain to be done and these require technical and financial assistance support on a priority basis. It is timely that the Regional Fisheries Livelihoods Program (RFLP) was endorsed to provide support to the Fisheries Administration (FiA), since it will improve fisheries management and livelihoods opportunities in the four coastal provinces of Cambodia. This paper was drafted to provide an overview of the current RGC policies, both withi n the fisheries sector, but also of other sectors which will impact on the ability of RFLP in Cambodia to successfully achieve its five national outputs. Development of co-management mechanisms;  Improved safety at sea and reduced vulnerability;  Improved post-harvest and marketing;  Strengthening of existing livelihoods and livelihood diversification; and  Facilitated access to micro-finance services. In addition the paper provides recommendations on what and how the Regional Fisheries Live lihoods Program (RFLP) can contribute to the implementation and achievement of the national fisheries policies and plans in Cambodia.
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    Artisanal fisheries income diversification study: eco-tourism and recreational fisheries 2012
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    1. The income diversification study focusing on eco-tourism and recreational fisheries was completed between December 2011 and March 2012. 2. The consultant, Mr Simon Diffey, visited four case-study countries in the ESA-IO regionduring December 2011 and January 2012 - Pemba Island, Zanzibar; Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe; Ile Sainte Marie, Madagascar and Rodrigues Island, Mauritius. 3. The state of the recreational fishery and aquatic related ecotourism industry is highly variable in the countries visit ed – from emerging in Pemba Island to highly developed (but in recent years under-utilised) on Lake Kariba. 4. Ile Sainte Marie and Rodrigues Island have a generally well developed tourism sector with potential for developing more marine/fisheries related eco-tourism. 5. The study concludes that there is a general lack of readily available data (in-country) on the value of and participation in recreational fisheries and associated aquatic related eco-tourism activities. Economic research on the value of some of these eco-tourism related industries is recommended to help inform the policy decision making process and improve sector governance. 6. Landings in the artisanal sector are generally in decline due to over-fishing with limited control in most countries visited. There is therefore need for fisheries MCS capacity building within the artisanal sector in all of the countries visited. Support for strengthening community based enforcement is recommended. 7. Further research is needed on the use of FADs (and artificial reefs) to potentially move artisanal fishing effort offshore and support recreational fisheries development. 8. Both Pemba Island and Ile Sainte Marie are in need for FADs. Lessons can be learnt from existing FAD operations around Rodrigues Island. 9. There is a need for awareness-raising of environmental issues amongst the fisher communities. This is particularly the case when introducing new technology or techniques to fishing communities. 10. Future project interventions should be sensitive to the involvement of women in fisheries and the cultural norms that can be expected in each country. 11. Sector study research is needed to improve development planning and governance issues. The recent VCA work completed on Rodrigues Island should be repeated in other areas of the region. 12. The study recommends supporting existing eco-tourism related projects or projects already conceived but not yet funded (rather than conceiving new projects) 13. Five proj ect concept notes are recommended for funding: • A socio-economic project on Pemba Island (provisional budget €13,259) • Two EIAs for aquaculture projects on Lake Kariba (€10,086 and €5,827 respectively) • A sport fishery economic research project on Lake Kariba (€6,595) • An agro-tourism project on Ile Sainte Marie, which has potential to include marine eco-tourism related activities (€16,210) 14. Outline ToR has been prepared for an economic research consultancy focusing on the whale-watching industry around Ile Sainte Marie (28 person-days of input) and for a fisheries eco-tourism capacity building (business planning) input on Rodrigues Island (22 person-days of input). 15. The proposed economic research on the Lake Kariba sport fishery could be broadened and a VCA for the whole sector prepared. Alternativelythe research on the economics of the sport fishery could be combined with the proposed valuation of the whale-watching industry (on Ile Sainte Marie). 16. A detailed alternative livelihoods action plan has been prepared for the SEMPA region on Rodrigues Island. There are some short term priority objectives within this action plan that the SmartFish Programme could support. 17. A one-year alternative livelihoods project proposal has been prepared for the SEMPA region on Rodrigues Island and submitted to GEF for funding (total project costs €43,537 of which the funding requested was €35,521). Funding for this project should be considered if this project has not yet been launched. 18. Linkages to the MCS and governance components of the SmartFish Programme were identified which merit further investigation.
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    Climate-Smart Agriculture in Seychelles 2019
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    The climate smart agriculture (CSA) concept reflects an ambition to improve the integration of agriculture development and climate responsiveness. It aims to achieve food security and broader development goals under a changing climate and increasing food demand. CSA initiatives sustainably increase productivity, enhance resilience, and reduce/remove greenhouse gases (GHGs), and require planning to address trade-offs and synergies between three pillars: productivity, adaptation and mitigation. The priorities of different countries and stakeholders are reflected to achieve more efficient, effective, and equitable food systems that address challenges in environment, social, and economic dimensions across productive landscapes. The country profile provides a snapshot of a developing baseline created to initiate discussion, both within countries and globally, about entry points for investing in CSA at scale. Seychelles is a small island state in the western Indian Ocean, which has developed a high-income economy and eliminated extreme poverty. Agriculture contributes about 2.2% of the country’s gross domestic product with tourism and the fisheries and seafood industries serving as the main pillars of the economy. Agricultural land occupies about 3.4% of the total land area of the country. A large portion of the land area (88.4%) is covered by forest mainly natural and established plantations for commercial purposes. Seychelles is divided into two large agro-climatic zones based on biophysical characteristics- mountainous/forest zone high ground and coastal plateau. In terms of agriculture, two agroecological zones can be distinguished mainly based on soil: upland and sandy soil. Main cropping systems includes food crop-based systems and perennial crop-based systems. Livestock production include goat, pig and chicken. Most crop production is under rainfed or irrigation system. Most farms are under 2 ha with backyard farming done to supplement household food or income. The main crops and products include coconut, cinnamon, vanilla, sweet potato, cassava, banana and tuna. Seychelles has the highest rate of overweight and obesity in Africa due to the shift from predominantly unprocessed traditional foods to a more westernised dietary intake consisting mainly of refined and processed foods. most greenhouse gas (GHG) emission come from the energy sector, followed by waste and agriculture which contributes 0.79% of the total. Seychelles has outlined in its nationally determined contributions mitigation actions in the forestry, energy and transport, and waste sectors. In agriculture, actions to mitigate climate change include: promotion of agricultural practises such as agroforestry which would involve mainstreaming strategies to limit deforestation and increase the sink capacity of forests. Challenges for the agricultural sector include (i) deforestation and unsuccessful intensification, (ii) uncontrolled urbanisation, land clearing, bush fires and population pressure, and (iii) high reliance on food imports. Agriculture in Seychelles is limited by a lack of arable land and extreme rainfall patterns and meteorological events like tropical storms, floods and droughts. Climate change poses serious challenges to the country such as uncontrolled economic and social consequences of floods, land degradation, sea-level rise, coastal erosion, declining agricultural yields, health vulnerability, and increased occurrence of drought. CSA technologies and practises present opportunities for addressing climate change challenges as well as for economic growth and development of the agriculture sector. Identified CSA practises in use in the country include: crop production under shade houses, inter cropping, use of organic manure and mulch, use of weather information, water control through irrigation, anti-erosion arrangement, windbreak and shelter, and use of climate-adapted seeds. Seychelles has several key institutions and policies aimed at supporting and increasing agriculture productivity and advancing CSA practises. These include government ministries and agency structures of ministries, firms operating in the agricultural sector, academic institutions, specialised laboratories and agricultural research institutes and training centres. The Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change (MEECC) serving as the country’s UNFCCC focal point and nationally designated authority to the Green Climate Fund is responsible for country’s climate change plans and policies. On the agriculture front the ministry of agriculture and fisheries is the key government institution for partnerships for climate-smart agriculture work in the communities as well as for policy and investment related issues through the national agricultural investment plan. A number of csa-related policies and strategies have been developed: National Programme on climate change strategy, national strategy for disaster risk management, national biodiversity strategy and action plan and the mainstreaming of climate change adaptation into the country’s strategic plan- a definitive document intended to guide land-use management up to the year 2040. A number of projects that foster the development of knowledge and evidence on the effectiveness of climate smart agriculture in improving food security, mitigating climate change and improving the adaptive capacities of production systems and populations in Seychelles have received support from various donors and financing schemes. In addition, AfDB, COMESA, FAO, EU, IFAD, etc. have invested hugely in several aspects of the climate/agricultural sector of Seychelles which also include the development and promotion of csa innovations. From various sources of climate finance available internationally, Seychelles is currently eligible for only a limited number of these and has not wholly accessed major funding instruments such as the Green Climate Fund and Adaptation Fund. The county is a small island nation whose prospects rely heavily on external demand, especially tourism. This poses major challenges for diversification and resilience. Its commitment to csa is relatively new with limited institutions and sources of funding.

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