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Supporting National Economies and Protecting Livelihoods in the Fisheries Sector of the Eastern Mediterranean - GCP/INT/318/EC

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    Supporting Responsible Fisheries in the Eastern Mediterranean through Scientific and Institutional Cooperation - GCP/INT/363/EC (Baby 01) 2022
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    The EastMed project’s overall aim is to support the sustainable management of marine fisheries in the Eastern Mediterranean subregion to boost economies and protect livelihoods. The achievement of this goal is supported through technical assistance and capacity development initiatives targeted at national fisheries departments, as means of increasing their scientific and technical skills on fisheries management, and through the development of coordinated, participatory fisheries management plans.
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    Cooperation for responsible fisheries in Eastern Mediterranean - GCP/INT/271/EC 2019
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    Eastern Mediterranean countries have active fisheries that provide important sources of food and employment. However, the sustainability of fisheries production systems is affected by different threats, including the overfishing of main resources and environmental changes caused by pollution, habitat degradation, the introduction of alien species and the impact of climate change. The ability of countries to address these threats is hindered by the scarcity of information about the sector, limited human and financial resources and capacities, and different country priorities and institutional capacities. Moreover, the historically poor level of cooperation among Eastern Mediterranean countries has resulted in significant differences across nations in how fisheries are managed, hindering cooperation towards the management of shared marine resources. Support was therefore needed to strengthen national fisheries management capacities and to encourage cooperation in support of regional fisheries management initiatives established in the framework of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM). The EastMedproject was designed to support the development of regionally consistent fisheries management among Eastern Mediterranean countries through the monitoring of commercial fisheries and the development of fishery research and management capacity. EastMedbecame operational in September 2009 with funds from the European Union (DG-MARE), the Government of Italy through the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies and the Government of Greece through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Rural Development and Food. The present report highlights the achievements obtained during the eighth year of financial contributions to the EastMedproject.
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