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Enhancing Protection of Plant Resources from Pests in Developing Countries - GCP/GLO/877/EC

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    Supporting the Implementation of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) - GCP/GLO/025/EC 2024
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    Established in 1952, the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) seeks to protect the world’s plants from pests. The IPPC adopts International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) and recommendations from the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM), which is the governing body of the IPPC, to carry out its mission. A central issue to the IPPC and the ISPMs is a lack of phytosanitary capacity among Contracting Parties (CPs), especially developing and least developed countries, to implement the Convention and the ISPMs efficiently. This impacts international trade. This project was designed to tackle the three root causes of the issue: (i) a lack of participation among CPs in IPPC governing bodies; (ii) low levels of technical capacity; and (iii) a lack of engagement among developing countries in the Standard Setting Process (SSP).
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    Study on the use of International Plant Protection Convention diagnostic protocols
    Implementation Review and Support System survey on the use of International Plant Protection Convention diagnostic protocols
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    In 2016, the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures adopted a recommendation on the importance of pest diagnosis. The recommendation stresses the importance of pest diagnosis in underpinning many activities involved in the implementation of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC). The recommendation encourages regional plant protection organizations and contracting parties to share knowledge and expertise, and support laboratory capacity in diagnostic protocols. Encouraging national plant protection organizations to maximize the utilization of diagnostic protocols as official procedures to adequately fulfil their obligations under the IPPC is essential. There remain, however, some strategic issues associated with pest diagnosis that should be integral to all aspects of the IPPC work program. It is in this context that a survey was conducted within the framework of the Implementation Review and Support System (IRSS) on IPPC diagnostic protocols, under the remit of the Implementation and Capacity Development Committee. This report presents the results of the survey, reflects the data received from participants, and illustrates the analysis and recommendations for optimizing the use of diagnostic protocols.
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    Building Confidence among Trading Partners through Strengthened Electronic Phytosanitary Certification - GCP/GLO/827/JPN 2021
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    The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) is an international plant health agreement that aims to protect cultivated and wild plants by preventing the introduction and spread of pests. The IPPC has 184 contracting parties and is governed by the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM). Through the implementation of a separate FAO project, the IPPC has launched a new initiative to establish a global hub for electronic phytosanitary ePhyto ) certification. In order to enhance buy in and uptake beyond the vision of the ePhyto hub project, an increased and consistent demand for use of the hub was envisioned. The objective of the present project was to improve the capacity of countries to implement standards on import and export certification using an ePhyto solution and to enhance their ability for pest exclusion. The project was designed to provide complementary resources to support ePhyto hub activities, as well as complementary actions on implementation, such as capacity development workshops, training sessions and meetings, particularly in the areas of risk communication and risk management based on pest risk analysis.

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