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Reducing inequality in Balochistan through sustainable agricultural development - GCP/PAK/113/USA

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    Agribusiness Development in Balochistan - GCP/PAK/141/AUL 2021
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    Southwest Balochistan is characterized by high levels of rural poverty, with low crop and livestock productivity, undeveloped markets, food and nutrition insecurity, and vulnerable livelihoods. Phase II of the Australia Balochistan Agribusiness Programme was designed to address these critical issues and, in particular, the poor food security and nutritional status of the population in the southwestern border districts of Balochistan . Its aim was to improve crop and livestock productivity, and strengthen market access in the project area, with a special focus on female farmers. The project would also target public and market stakeholders to ensure that they delivered necessary, equitable and inclusive agricultural development policies and regulations directly relevant to achieving the outcome above.
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    Reducing poverty in vulnerable areas of Sri Lanka through agricultural development - GCP/SRL/062/EC 2019
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    The project was part of the wider “European Union Support to District Development Programme”, which aimed to improve living conditions in selected districts of Sri Lanka (Ampara, Batticaloa, Mannarand Vavuniyadistricts, as well as selected divisions of Anuradhapura, Monaragalaand Puttalamdistricts). Its three specific objectives were (i) to support poverty reduction and the provision of basic infrastructure and services for vulnerable populations, (ii) to support local economic development and (iii) to strengthen local governance. FAO’s actions were geared towards the first of these objectives.
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    Alternative Livelihoods in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - GCP/PAK/151/USA 2021
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    Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and its Newly Merged Districts are characterized by widespread poverty, internal conflicts, poor infrastructure and weak institutional governance, including justice sector agencies. For many years, their economies were sustained by illicit activities, including the cultivation of poppy. Opium plays a multi functional role in rural livelihoods, providing credit, access to land and an important source of income to local households, especially those with insufficient land. The ban on opium growing in Pakistan has deprived the local population of its ability to meet its traditional socioeconomic needs. The aim of the project was to introduce alternative crops that would provide beneficiaries with a livelihood and encourage them to abandon the illicit cultivation of poppy. The project has contributed towards sustainable economic growth through improved access to diversified livelihood opportunities in the targeted districts. As a result of the project, the livelihoods of the target population are supported either by increased areas under improved crop cultivation or by the adoption of improved crop cultivation by farmers who previously grew poppy.

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