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Reducing inequality in Balochistan through sustainable agricultural development - GCP/PAK/113/USA

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    Agribusiness Development in Balochistan - GCP/PAK/141/AUL 2021
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    Southwest Balochistan is characterized by high levels of rural poverty, with low crop and livestock productivity, undeveloped markets, food and nutrition insecurity, and vulnerable livelihoods. Phase II of the Australia Balochistan Agribusiness Programme was designed to address these critical issues and, in particular, the poor food security and nutritional status of the population in the southwestern border districts of Balochistan . Its aim was to improve crop and livestock productivity, and strengthen market access in the project area, with a special focus on female farmers. The project would also target public and market stakeholders to ensure that they delivered necessary, equitable and inclusive agricultural development policies and regulations directly relevant to achieving the outcome above.
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    Agribusiness Development in Balochistan, Pakistan - GCP PAK 126 AUL 2018
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    South Western Balochistan is characterized by high levels of rural poverty. Crop and livestock productivity is low, markets are undeveloped, household food and nutrition insecurity is common, and household livelihoods are vulnerable and fragile. At the same time, agriculture will remain the mainstay of household livelihoods for the majority of households in rural areas in Balochistan for generations to come. There is thus considerable need and scope to increase household incomes by improving crop and livestock productivity and strengthening market access and value chain linkages. This would enable smallholder farmers to enjoy increased returns from crop and livestock production in the province. The Australia Balochistan Agribusiness Programme was formulated as an adequate response to the urgent need to increase household incomes and to enhance food security by improving crop and livestock productivity and strengthening market access in the project area, with a special focus on female farmers.
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    Réduire les inégalités au baloutchistan par le développement agricole durable - GCP/PAK/113/USA 2017
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    Le projet d’agriculture du Baloutchistan a été conçu pour contribuer de manière significative à atténuer la pauvreté et à réduire les inégalités économiques, en mettant l’accent sur le renforcement des capacités pour l’agriculture et les éleveurs. Le projet portait sur les agriculteurs marginaux et les familles des petits agriculteurs pauvres en ressources dans huit districts frontaliers du nord-est du Baloutchistan, situés à moins de 170 Km de la frontière afghane. Dans le cadre du projet, deux projets d’échelle plus réduite dits d’urgence ont été mis en place dans les zones tribales fédérées (FATA) au nord-ouest du Pakistan, en mettant l’accent sur le soutien fourni au bétail, sur les moyens de subsistance des familles déplacées et sur la sécurité alimentaire des ménages.
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    Agribusiness Development in Balochistan - GCP/PAK/141/AUL 2021
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    Southwest Balochistan is characterized by high levels of rural poverty, with low crop and livestock productivity, undeveloped markets, food and nutrition insecurity, and vulnerable livelihoods. Phase II of the Australia Balochistan Agribusiness Programme was designed to address these critical issues and, in particular, the poor food security and nutritional status of the population in the southwestern border districts of Balochistan . Its aim was to improve crop and livestock productivity, and strengthen market access in the project area, with a special focus on female farmers. The project would also target public and market stakeholders to ensure that they delivered necessary, equitable and inclusive agricultural development policies and regulations directly relevant to achieving the outcome above.
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    Agribusiness Development in Balochistan, Pakistan - GCP PAK 126 AUL 2018
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    South Western Balochistan is characterized by high levels of rural poverty. Crop and livestock productivity is low, markets are undeveloped, household food and nutrition insecurity is common, and household livelihoods are vulnerable and fragile. At the same time, agriculture will remain the mainstay of household livelihoods for the majority of households in rural areas in Balochistan for generations to come. There is thus considerable need and scope to increase household incomes by improving crop and livestock productivity and strengthening market access and value chain linkages. This would enable smallholder farmers to enjoy increased returns from crop and livestock production in the province. The Australia Balochistan Agribusiness Programme was formulated as an adequate response to the urgent need to increase household incomes and to enhance food security by improving crop and livestock productivity and strengthening market access in the project area, with a special focus on female farmers.
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    Réduire les inégalités au baloutchistan par le développement agricole durable - GCP/PAK/113/USA 2017
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    Le projet d’agriculture du Baloutchistan a été conçu pour contribuer de manière significative à atténuer la pauvreté et à réduire les inégalités économiques, en mettant l’accent sur le renforcement des capacités pour l’agriculture et les éleveurs. Le projet portait sur les agriculteurs marginaux et les familles des petits agriculteurs pauvres en ressources dans huit districts frontaliers du nord-est du Baloutchistan, situés à moins de 170 Km de la frontière afghane. Dans le cadre du projet, deux projets d’échelle plus réduite dits d’urgence ont été mis en place dans les zones tribales fédérées (FATA) au nord-ouest du Pakistan, en mettant l’accent sur le soutien fourni au bétail, sur les moyens de subsistance des familles déplacées et sur la sécurité alimentaire des ménages.

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