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Agribusiness Development in Balochistan - GCP/PAK/141/AUL

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    Reducing inequality in Balochistan through sustainable agricultural development - GCP/PAK/113/USA 2017
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    The Balochistan Agriculture Project was designed to make a significant contribution to alleviating poverty and reducing economic inequalities, with particular emphasis on capacity-building for agriculture and livestock farmers. The focus of the project was on marginal and small-scale farmers from resource-poor households in eight border districts of north-east Balochistan, located within 100 miles of the Afghan border. As part of the project, two smaller so-called emergency projects were impleme nted in the Federally Administrated Tribal Areas (FATA) in north-west Pakistan, focusing on livestock support and the livelihood assets of internally displaced families and on ensuring household food security.
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    Alternative Livelihoods in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - GCP/PAK/151/USA 2021
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    Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and its Newly Merged Districts are characterized by widespread poverty, internal conflicts, poor infrastructure and weak institutional governance, including justice sector agencies. For many years, their economies were sustained by illicit activities, including the cultivation of poppy. Opium plays a multi functional role in rural livelihoods, providing credit, access to land and an important source of income to local households, especially those with insufficient land. The ban on opium growing in Pakistan has deprived the local population of its ability to meet its traditional socioeconomic needs. The aim of the project was to introduce alternative crops that would provide beneficiaries with a livelihood and encourage them to abandon the illicit cultivation of poppy. The project has contributed towards sustainable economic growth through improved access to diversified livelihood opportunities in the targeted districts. As a result of the project, the livelihoods of the target population are supported either by increased areas under improved crop cultivation or by the adoption of improved crop cultivation by farmers who previously grew poppy.
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    Agribusiness Development in Balochistan, Pakistan - GCP PAK 126 AUL 2018
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    South Western Balochistan is characterized by high levels of rural poverty. Crop and livestock productivity is low, markets are undeveloped, household food and nutrition insecurity is common, and household livelihoods are vulnerable and fragile. At the same time, agriculture will remain the mainstay of household livelihoods for the majority of households in rural areas in Balochistan for generations to come. There is thus considerable need and scope to increase household incomes by improving crop and livestock productivity and strengthening market access and value chain linkages. This would enable smallholder farmers to enjoy increased returns from crop and livestock production in the province. The Australia Balochistan Agribusiness Programme was formulated as an adequate response to the urgent need to increase household incomes and to enhance food security by improving crop and livestock productivity and strengthening market access in the project area, with a special focus on female farmers.

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