Report of the eleventh session of the Sub-Committee on Fish Trade. Bremen, Germany, 2-6 June 2008. / Rapport de la onzième session du Sous-Comité du commerce du poisson. Brême, Allemagne, 2-6 juin 2008. / Informe de la undécima reunión del Subcomité sobre Comercio Pesquero. Bremen, Alemania, 2-6 de junio de 2008.
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Book (series)COFI Report of the fifth session of the Sub-Committee on Fish Trade. Bremen, Germany, 4-7 June 1996. / COFI Rapport de la cinquième session du Sous-Comité du commerce du poisson. Brême, Allemagne, 4-7 juin 1996. / COFI Informe de la quinta reunión del Subcomité sobre Comercio Pesquero. Bremen, Alemania, 4-7 de junio de 1996. 53p. ISBN 92-5-003888-7 1996
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Book (series)COFI Report of the sixth session of the Sub-Committee on Fish Trade. Bremen, Germany, 3-6 June 1998. / COFI Rapport de la sixième session du Sous-Comité du commerce du poisson. Brême, Allemagne, 3-6 juin 1998. / COFI Informe de la sexta reunión del Subcomité sobre comercio Pesquero. Bremen, Alemania, 3-6 de junio de 1998. 1998
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No results found.At its sixteenth session, the Committee on Fisheries decided to establish a Sub-Committee on Fish Trade to serve as a multilateral framework for consultations on international trade in fishery products. The sixth session of the Subcommittee was held in Bremen, Germany, from 3 to 6 June 1998. The Sub-Committee took note of important recent events concerning international trade in fishery products and considered specific issues of international trade, environment and sustainable fisheries develo pment: Exploitation of fishery resources Fisheries management and subsidies Sustainable shrimp aquaculture Biotechnology developments Trade in fisheries services. In its capacity as the International Commodity Body for fishery products, the Sub-Committee noted the progress achieved in its cooperation with the Common Fund for Commodities and endorsed several pipeline projects and the elements of a Strategy for the Development of Fishery Commodities to be finalized by FAO. -
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (series)COFI Report of the seventh session of the Sub-Committee on Fish Trade. Bremen, Germany, 22-25 March 2000 / COFI Rapport de la septième session du Sous-Comité du commerce du poisson. Brême, Allemagne, 22-25 mars 2000. / COFI Informe de la séptima reunión del Subcomité sobre Comercio Pesquero. Bremen, Alemania, 22-25 de marzo de 2000. 2000
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No results found.At its sixteenth session, the Committee on Fisheries decided to establish a Sub-Committee on Fish Trade to serve as a multilateral framework for consultations on international trade in fishery products. The seventh session of the Sub-Committee was held in Bremen, Germany, from 22 to 25 March 2000. The Sub-Committee took note of important recent events concerning international trade in fishery products and considered specific issues of international trade, environment and sustainable fisheries development: Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and responsible fish trade Globalization and implications for international fish trade and food security Implementation of World Trade Organization's agreements and Multilateral Trade Negotiations Safety and quality of fishery products Issues of sustainable resource use and international fish trade In its capacity as the International Commodity Body for fishery products, the Sub-Committee noted the progress achieved in its coope ration with the Common Fund for Commodities and endorsed several pipeline projects.
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