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Strengthening Capacity for Data Processing, Analysis and Management in Papua New Guinea - TCP/PNG/3604

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    MedStat 2011 Fishing Vessel Census - Census Design and Implementation 2011
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    The MedFisis (Mediterranean Fishery Statistics and Information System) regional project was set up in response to an increasing need to monitor fishing activities and provide fishery management systems in several GFCM (General Fishery Commission for the Mediterranean) countries. Specifically, there was an urgent need for a comprehensive fisheries statistics collection and analysis system. From the outset of the project it was recognised that to be effective such a system must be designed to mee t the needs of all stakeholders in the fishery involved, and that all resulting statistics must be reliable, timely and backed by relevant research. The project would involve a study of existing statistical and information systems in order to identify and upgrade areas requiring attention and/or optimisation. Moreover, all the work should be done by the national staff, limiting external aid to filling any gaps, and the system adopted should be as close as possible to existing working practices a nd conditions for the staff involved. The solution produced by FAO staff was the modular MedStat system. MedStat consists of a set of databases and associated statistical data collection and implementation methodologies, techniques, and procedures, including training modules and technical support covering a Fleet Census, a Catch and Effort Survey and other surveys. There are also tools to facilitate monitoring and other management issues. Structurally, MedStat comprises a core system which i ncludes the regional/national/local reference and codification system, and the national fishery control and monitoring system. Considerable attention is paid to the structure and conduct of the census, and throughout MedFisis it is emphasised that accurate, reliable and exhaustive data collection is crucial to the output of the survey. All aspects of census procedure are dealt with in detail including the preparation, quality control and the all-important questionnaire. A comprehensive MedFis is questionnaire is presented and explained, as is the association between the questionnaire and the data field descriptions and reference system. There are a number of useful appendices which include a flow chart of a typical census survey and a list of references.
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    National Food Security Policy in Papua New Guinea - TCP/PNG/3602 2019
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    Malnutrition continues to be a serious issue in Papua New Guinea, imposing considerable social and economic costs on individuals, families, communities and the economy as a whole, and disproportionately affectingsuch disadvantaged groups as women and children. As a United Nations Member State, the country is committed to ending hunger, achieving foodsecurity, improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture by 2030. FAO assisted the Government to formulate a new National Food Security Policy (NFSP) Framework for 2017-2027 to strengthen food and nutrition security in the future. However, the capacity to formulate an action planto facilitate the implementation of the new policy was lacking. The Government therefore requested FAO to help to build national capacityin this important area. The project supported the development of acomprehensive budgeted action plan to enable the Government to roll outthe new NFSP Framework to the relevant sectorial agencies and local governments, as a follow-up to the policy formulation phase. It also builtcapacity and raised awareness at national and provincial levels, andsupported the preparation of provincial food security priority action agendasfor three pilot provinces.
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    Building the Food Security Resilience of Communities in Papua New Guinea - TCP/PNG/3503 2019
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    The 2015-2016 El Niño event in the Pacific Ocean affected Papua New Guinea in the form of drought and frost. The lack of sustained rainfall and the repeated frost event resulted in a decrease in production from food gardens and therefore reduced the availability of food. The Government estimated that 2.4 million people were affected by drought and frost, 1.3 million of them severely. The major constraints included reduced access to clean drinking water and water availability for agriculture activities, reduced food availability and accessibility of food, a reduction in the number of meals to one per day in the most affected areas and crop losses and increased cases of plant diseases, leading to a lack of planting materials. As a result, there was a need for overall coordination of food security activities at national and provincial level and food security monitoring and planting material for farmers (drought tolerant crops and early-maturing varieties).

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