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Sustainable forest sustainable future: Sowing passion and raising awareness of future generations

XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022

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    Pushing boundaries advancing sustainability: The case of MTCS
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    2019 marks an important milestone for the Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC). MTCC celebrated its 20th anniversary with the tagline: “Pushing Boundaries Advancing Sustainability” that encapsulates the tremendous undertaking of the MTCC over the last two decades and also sets the tone for its future endeavour in implementing the Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS). MTCC achieved a significant milestone when the MTCS became the first tropical forest scheme in the Asia Pacific to be endorsed by the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) in 2009 and remains the largest contributor to the certified tropical forest areas in the Asia Pacific region.

    This paper highlights the journey and efforts taken by MTCC in overcoming the challenges throughout the initial development and implementation phases as well as the fundamental support needed to advance the sustainability agenda. In the process, it has contributed significantly to the green pathway to growth and sustainability in Malaysia promoting the implementation of sustainable forest management and provision of sustainable timber and timber products for both the domestic and international markets. Keyword: Sustainable forest management ID: 3486703
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    Comparison of awareness on aesthetic and other forest values between Korean and Malaysian university student
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    According to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA), ecosystem services are classified as provisioning, regulating, cultural, and supporting, and these services are divided into 31 types of forest functions. These services and functions are also grouped as economic, social, and environmental categories of which are the three basic categories of services that are connected with Sustainable Forest Management (SFM). The purpose of this study is to identify any similarities and differences held by the public (represented by non-forestry major university students) and forestry experts (represented by forestry major university students) from two different countries (South Korea and Malaysia) to reveal the role of education and country of residence background in rating the importance and priorities of forest functions and values especially aesthetic values in terms of SFM. Questionnaires asking the participant to rate the importance of the 4 forest services and 31 functions and beliefs about priorities for 6 major values associated with forest management objectives were distributed through an internet web-based survey to forestry and non-forestry university students in South Korea and Malaysia. 306 students from universities in Malaysia and 314 students from universities in Korea had participated in this study. The results showed a difference in perception of forest functions and values between Korean and Malaysian university students regardless of their university major, showing that country of residence affected people’s awareness of forest functions and values. The results of this study can help in the development of the Criteria and Indicator (C&I) of Sustainable Forest Management. Keywords: Sustainable forest management, Youth and young generation, Deforestation and forest degradation ID: 3622520
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    The green pathway to growth and sustainability: Sustainable management of rubber plantations
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Vietnam Rubber Group (VRG) is the largest natural rubber producer, with over 410,000 ha located in Viet Nam, Laos, and Cambodia. VRG is always aware of the responsibility for a sustainable enterprise; VRG’s efforts demonstrate an excellent example in promoting rubber sustainability.
    VRG is the leading enterprise in implementing the Viet Nam Forest Certification Scheme (VFCS) and PEFC certificates in the rubber sector. In 2021, about 55,000 ha rubber plantations and 22 natural rubber processing factories were certified under the VFCS/PEFC standards; another 57,000 ha and 14 natural rubber processing factories will be certified by the end of 2021 and 300,000 ha certified by 2022.
    In economic terms, VRG rubber plantations have an average yield of 1.56 ton/ha/year, which is much higher than the global average yield, through the focusing on R&D and innovative solutions, especially: new high yielding rubber clones; advanced techniques in harvesting and soil protection; intercropping and Integrated Disease Management.
    VRG pays attention to environmental values by applying the best practices to reduce significant carbon emissions: increasing the use of organic fertilizers; installing solar power systems for rubber factories; developing new processing process to reduce 40% of electric usage and DO oil; using biological waste treatment; and reusing 1.5 million m3/year (25% of total water usage) of treated wastewater.
    VRG demonstrates the social responsibilities and has meaningful contributions to society by improving the living conditions of VRG workers and surrounding communities (infrastructure and health care facility improvement; job and income creation).
    VRG strongly considers sustainable development as the green pathway of the future and business growth; VRG looks forward to sharing the best practices and the importance of industry sustainability leadership. Keywords: Sustainable forest management, Agriculture, Deforestation and forest degradation ID: 3486754

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