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Georgia working for the SDGs

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Key to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Armenia 2020
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    FAO is supporting countries in the achievement of multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets, as food and agriculture encompasses all the SDGs. The ''Armenia working for the SDGs'' brochure includes information about: SDGs in general, the role of food and agriculture in achieving 2030 agenda, SDGs under FAO's custodianship, food and agriculture in Armenia, SDGs alignment with strategic priorities, FAO's work to increasi SDG awareness in Armenia and FAO's support to the implementation of SDGs in Armenia. It targets all layers of the society - general public, technical persons, policy makers, media.
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    Book (series)
    Evaluation of FAO’s contribution to Sustainable Development Goal 2 - “End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture”
    Phase 2
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    FAO is well positioned at the global level to offer relevant support to countries in achieving their SDG 2 targets and is committed to support the SDGs, a Global Agenda that it helped design. The new FAO’s Strategic Framework will provide an opportunity to promote and communicate FAO’s role in a coherent and joined-up manner, aligned with the 2030 Agenda. FAO has engaged with the current UN reform – strongly connected to the SDGs – with a very collaborative attitude. At the country level, which was the focus of the second phase of this evaluation, FAO’s position was found to be generally weaker due to its limited programmatic footprint. Nevertheless, a number of initiatives were “acting at scale” and producing results. Entry points to act at scale include support to develop laws and policies, to instigate agriculture trade and investment, to induce climate finance or South-South cooperation, and to education, both formal and informal. The depth and breadth of partnerships are generally increasing, but more partnerships with the private sector and mobilization of domestic resources would needed to make a serious impact on food systems.
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    SDGs for people, planet and prosperity
    FAO’s SDG compliance work as a means for leveraging sustainable investments in agri-food systems
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    This paper provides an overview of the rationale, background, methodology and scope of FAO’s support to compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, along with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA) on Financing for Development, calls for worldwide action from governments, private sector and civil society to align their strategies, operations and activities with the principles outlined in the SDGs. The 2030 Agenda marks a significant shift from traditional development approaches by recognizing the important role the private sector has to play in achieving sustainable development for all. Financing the realization of all SDGs will require additional annual investments of approximately 2.5 trillion and it is essential to engage the private sector and to ensure that private investments be SDG-compliant. In line with its responsibilities as a custodian UN agency for 21 SDG indicators and as a contributing agency for a further six, FAO is actively working towards mainstreaming SDG compliance into private sector operations along agricultural value chains. The Organization is enhancing its support to the creation of enabling environments for SDG-compliant investments, while also significantly increasing its engagement with financial institutions. The ultimate aim of this process is to ensure that FAO’s strong knowledge base available for governments is suitable for being integrated into investment contracts of loans, guarantees and equity, which development bankers and, indeed, private banks and investment funds are signing.

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