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Հայաստանում կայուն զարգացման Օրակարգ 2030-ին հասնելու բանալին

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Key to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Armenia 2020
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    FAO is supporting countries in the achievement of multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets, as food and agriculture encompasses all the SDGs. The ''Armenia working for the SDGs'' brochure includes information about: SDGs in general, the role of food and agriculture in achieving 2030 agenda, SDGs under FAO's custodianship, food and agriculture in Armenia, SDGs alignment with strategic priorities, FAO's work to increasi SDG awareness in Armenia and FAO's support to the implementation of SDGs in Armenia. It targets all layers of the society - general public, technical persons, policy makers, media.
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    Statistical Capacity Country Profile for SDG Indicators (Armenia)
    Statistical Capacity Assessment for the FAO-relevant SDG Indicators 2018/19
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    The Office of the Chief Statistician (OCS) conducted the Statistical Capacity Assessment for the FAO-relevant SDG indicators in early 2019 to provide insights about member countries' national statistical systems in regard to their capacity to monitor and report the 21 SDG indicators under FAO custodianship. The survey collected information on the national coordination mechanisms for the SDG reporting, current data availability and plans for filling data gaps, and needs for technical assistance. The respondents were mainly the National Coordinators for SDG Monitoring or the SDG focal points nominated by the Directors General of National Statistics Offices. The results will assist FAO-HQ and decentralized offices in designing targeted interventions and mobilizing resources to support countries in collecting, analyzing and using the SDG indicators in decision-making.
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    Updating the Sustainable Agricultural Development Strategy 2030 and Preparing a Medium-Term Plan of Action - TCP/EGY/3701 2021
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    There is broad consensus in Egypt that, despite its achievements, the Sustainable Agricultural Development Strategy ( 2030 needs to be reviewed in a number of areas As an agricultural and rural development strategy aiming to address existing and future challenges, there is a need for the SADS to go beyond a sectoral scope, as interlinkages between agriculture, water, land use, climate change, agro industry, input supply, food security and nutrition are key to determining the outcomes of the overall development process The environment, in particular water, land and climate change, is a sector closely considered within the SADS 2030 The recently developed National Water Resource Plan for Egypt provides an opportunity to endow the SADS 2030 with a well rounded vision and to assesses agricultural development needs with water management provisions In addition, it was agreed that linking agricultural and value chain development might provide a framework for developing more resilient agriculture and rural non farm sectors able to generate better jobs, reduce rural poverty and vulnerability and enhance food security At the outset of the project, specific focus was needed upon the favouring the participation of smallholders in modern value chains, ensuring a smooth exit out of the agricultural sector and employment opportunities in other sectors primarily agrifood processing and distribution for those unable to continue working in agriculture.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Key to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Armenia 2020
    Also available in:

    FAO is supporting countries in the achievement of multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets, as food and agriculture encompasses all the SDGs. The ''Armenia working for the SDGs'' brochure includes information about: SDGs in general, the role of food and agriculture in achieving 2030 agenda, SDGs under FAO's custodianship, food and agriculture in Armenia, SDGs alignment with strategic priorities, FAO's work to increasi SDG awareness in Armenia and FAO's support to the implementation of SDGs in Armenia. It targets all layers of the society - general public, technical persons, policy makers, media.
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    Statistical Capacity Country Profile for SDG Indicators (Armenia)
    Statistical Capacity Assessment for the FAO-relevant SDG Indicators 2018/19
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    The Office of the Chief Statistician (OCS) conducted the Statistical Capacity Assessment for the FAO-relevant SDG indicators in early 2019 to provide insights about member countries' national statistical systems in regard to their capacity to monitor and report the 21 SDG indicators under FAO custodianship. The survey collected information on the national coordination mechanisms for the SDG reporting, current data availability and plans for filling data gaps, and needs for technical assistance. The respondents were mainly the National Coordinators for SDG Monitoring or the SDG focal points nominated by the Directors General of National Statistics Offices. The results will assist FAO-HQ and decentralized offices in designing targeted interventions and mobilizing resources to support countries in collecting, analyzing and using the SDG indicators in decision-making.
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    Updating the Sustainable Agricultural Development Strategy 2030 and Preparing a Medium-Term Plan of Action - TCP/EGY/3701 2021
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    There is broad consensus in Egypt that, despite its achievements, the Sustainable Agricultural Development Strategy ( 2030 needs to be reviewed in a number of areas As an agricultural and rural development strategy aiming to address existing and future challenges, there is a need for the SADS to go beyond a sectoral scope, as interlinkages between agriculture, water, land use, climate change, agro industry, input supply, food security and nutrition are key to determining the outcomes of the overall development process The environment, in particular water, land and climate change, is a sector closely considered within the SADS 2030 The recently developed National Water Resource Plan for Egypt provides an opportunity to endow the SADS 2030 with a well rounded vision and to assesses agricultural development needs with water management provisions In addition, it was agreed that linking agricultural and value chain development might provide a framework for developing more resilient agriculture and rural non farm sectors able to generate better jobs, reduce rural poverty and vulnerability and enhance food security At the outset of the project, specific focus was needed upon the favouring the participation of smallholders in modern value chains, ensuring a smooth exit out of the agricultural sector and employment opportunities in other sectors primarily agrifood processing and distribution for those unable to continue working in agriculture.

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