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Programme Implementation Report 2014/15


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    Programme Implementation Report 2016/17
    The PIR informs the membership about the work carried out and the results achieved by the Organization during the 2016-17 biennium. It provides quantitative information on delivery, targets and indicators of results of the Strategic Objectives, Functional Objectives and Special Chapters as planned in the PWB 2016-17 for all sources of funds. This 28-page overview of the highlights of the Programme Implementation Report provides key facts on the main policy developments, results achieved and delivery of the FAO programme of work during the 2016-17 biennium.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    FAO's Multipartner Programme Support Mechanism (FMM) Medium Term Final Report (2014-17) 2019
    Also available in:
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    This report informs resource partners about the work carried out by FAO, through funding from the FAO Multipartner Mechanism Support (FMM), including results achieved, challenges faced, and key lessons learned during the reporting period (2014-17). The FMM was established in November 2010 as the first flexible multi-partner instrument to truly provide programmatic support to FAO’s Medium Term Plans (2010-2013)1 and (2014-2017), and related biennial programme of work and budgets. It was FAO’s main mechanism for partners willing to contribute to flexible pooled funds in support of FAO’s Strategic Framework. The FMM was a major boost to FAO’s renewal in 2012 and has continued to evolve with the development of the results-based management, and has contributed to the organizational results-chain at the country, regional and global levels.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Rapport sur l'exécution du Programme 2014-15
    Le résumé de 28 pages du Rapport sur l’exécution du programme présente certains faits essentiels sur les principales avancées dans le domaine des politiques, des résultats obtenus et de l'exécution durant l'exercice biennal écoulé. Le rapport 2014-15 est le premier rapport sur l'exécution du programme rédigé sur la base du cadre de résultats figurant dans le Cadre stratégique révisé et le Plan à moyen terme (PMT) 2014-2017. Il est le premier à avoir recours à une solide méthodologie de suivi et de notification des résultats, à communiquer les Résultantes, à intégrer une notification sur le thème transversal du genre et à tirer parti des moyens améliorés d'exécution de la FAO suite aux changements transformationnels intervenus.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Programme Implementation Report 2016/17
    The PIR informs the membership about the work carried out and the results achieved by the Organization during the 2016-17 biennium. It provides quantitative information on delivery, targets and indicators of results of the Strategic Objectives, Functional Objectives and Special Chapters as planned in the PWB 2016-17 for all sources of funds. This 28-page overview of the highlights of the Programme Implementation Report provides key facts on the main policy developments, results achieved and delivery of the FAO programme of work during the 2016-17 biennium.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    FAO's Multipartner Programme Support Mechanism (FMM) Medium Term Final Report (2014-17) 2019
    Also available in:
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    This report informs resource partners about the work carried out by FAO, through funding from the FAO Multipartner Mechanism Support (FMM), including results achieved, challenges faced, and key lessons learned during the reporting period (2014-17). The FMM was established in November 2010 as the first flexible multi-partner instrument to truly provide programmatic support to FAO’s Medium Term Plans (2010-2013)1 and (2014-2017), and related biennial programme of work and budgets. It was FAO’s main mechanism for partners willing to contribute to flexible pooled funds in support of FAO’s Strategic Framework. The FMM was a major boost to FAO’s renewal in 2012 and has continued to evolve with the development of the results-based management, and has contributed to the organizational results-chain at the country, regional and global levels.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Rapport sur l'exécution du Programme 2014-15
    Le résumé de 28 pages du Rapport sur l’exécution du programme présente certains faits essentiels sur les principales avancées dans le domaine des politiques, des résultats obtenus et de l'exécution durant l'exercice biennal écoulé. Le rapport 2014-15 est le premier rapport sur l'exécution du programme rédigé sur la base du cadre de résultats figurant dans le Cadre stratégique révisé et le Plan à moyen terme (PMT) 2014-2017. Il est le premier à avoir recours à une solide méthodologie de suivi et de notification des résultats, à communiquer les Résultantes, à intégrer une notification sur le thème transversal du genre et à tirer parti des moyens améliorés d'exécution de la FAO suite aux changements transformationnels intervenus.

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