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Building resilience in the Sahel region through job creation for youth

Innovatively supporting youth’s access to decent employment and green jobs in agrifood systems

FAO. 2023. Building resilience in the Sahel region through job creation for youth – Innovatively supporting youth’s access to decent employment and green jobs in agrifood systems. Rome.

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    Building resilience in the Sahel region through job creation for youth
    Innovatively supporting youth’s access to decent employment and green jobs in agrifood systems
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    The number of young people in the Sahel is unprecedented, with over 60 percent of the population below 25 years of age. Two thirds of them live in rural areas, often lacking access to employment, skills, financial services, inputs and technology (World Bank, 2018). Although the region’s youth population is expected to grow, and a youth bulge could potentially turn into a dividend, if employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for youth remain limited, young people will continue to remain in a vicious cycle of food insecurity and deep poverty. This brief outlines how the project "Building resilience in the Sahel region through job creation for youth", strengthened the capacities of rural youth in their entrance in the agrifood system adopting green practices, while also empowering the national institutions tasked in supporting them.
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    Building Resilience in the Sahel Region through Job Creation for Youth - GCP/GLO/050/GER 2021
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    The Sahel region faces many challenges, including insecurity, rising extremism, and lack of economic prospects and employment opportunities. In this context, the number of young people in the countries of the Group of Five for the Sahel (G5 Sahel) is unprecedented, with over 60 percent of the population below 25 years of age. Two thirds of them live in rural areas and are poorer and more often lack access to employment, skills, financial services and technology than adults. In addition, because of their vulnerabilities, they may be at risk of radicalization, negative coping mechanisms or migration, given that this region is also both the departure point for migrants and a key corridor of different migration routes. If no action is taken to improve access to education, vocational training and quality employment, the Sahel could potentially become a hub of mass migration, losing its younger generations in search prospects not available in the region, and becoming a potential hotspot for recruitment and training of radical groups. To build sustainable peace in the Sahel region, urgent attention is therefore needed to bridge the humanitarian development and peace nexus, while systematically enhancing youth’s opportunities to support their countries economically, environmentally and socially, in order to address adverse drivers of youth migration and prevent some triggers of radicalization or tendencies towards negative coping mechanisms.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    The intersection between socioeconomic conditions and youth radicalisation - Implications for programming in the G5 Sahel countries 2022
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    This FAO-ODI study provides an evidence-based analysis of the drivers of youth radicalisation in the Sahel and distils what this means for programming which aims to address that concern. Resources have been invested into trying to address the underlying drivers of youth radicalisation, often through programming under the labels of Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) or Prevention of Violent Extremism (PVE). Such approaches tend to categorise ‘at risk’ individuals based on certain socio-economic profiles. In particular, connecting both poverty and unemployment to radicalisation has been a popular assumption among policymakers, based on arguments that poverty and unemployment both generate grievance-based motivations and lower the opportunity cost for engaging in political violence. In response, P/CVE programming often includes the provision of economic alternatives and skills-based training in a bid to dissuade young people from joining armed groups. The findings of this study challenge this framing. Based on a review of over 50 studies on radicalisation in the Sahel and the evidence from P/CVE programming implemented in the region, it has been assessed that the drivers of radicalisation in the region are geographically specific and therefore need to be considered spatially, rather than aiming to produce a ‘typical’ profile of youth that are vulnerable to radicalisation. This report aims not only to uncover how socio-economic conditions interact with political dynamics to produce environments conducive to youth radicalisation, but also to provide recommendations on how regional employment programmes can be tailored so that they contribute towards reducing radicalisation.

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