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Weather dependent climate smart recommendations

Part of the Lao People's Democratic Republic climate services for agriculture (LaCSA)

FAO. 2021. Weather dependent climate smart recommendations part of the Laos Climate Services for Agriculture, LaCSA. Vientiane.

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    Strategic foresight planning: Formulating crop story maps and building climate resilient pathways
    Part of the Land Resources Information Management System (LRIMS)
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    Strategic Foresight is the ability to predict or the action of predicting what will happen or be needed in the future. Foresight uses a range of methodologies, such as scanning the horizon for emerging changes, analysing megatrends and developing multiple scenarios, to reveal and discuss useful ideas about the future. It is an approach that aims at making sense of the future, understanding drivers of change that are outside of one’s control, and preparing for what may lead to success or failure. The target of this process consisted in the development of policy narratives. The preparation of policy narrative was realised officials of the Department of Agricultural Land Management (DALAM) and of the National Agricultural and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI) to present key concepts and methods around science communication by producing story maps, presenting spatial analysis in a user-friendly manner, and future-proof resilient policy recommendations. The narratives are detailed in-depth analysis of the current state of maize, cassava, coffee and banana production, as well as projections of future developments of the agricultural system. The policy recommendations and advised actions in the document can help policy makers to establish a resilient future-proof production system.
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    Lao Climate Service for Agriculture (LaCSA) 2020
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    The project "Strengthening Agro-climatic Monitoring and Information Systems (SAMIS) to improve adaptation to climate change and food security in LAO PDR” has the objective to broadcast the weather information and weather warning in advance to the public widely throughout the website. Climate change results in severe damage to agriculture sectors in the whole country which stems from a flash flood, drought, plant disease, and natural disaster. To respond to the risk of disasters, daily, weekly and monthly weather forecasts and weather warnings in advance are necessarily needed to inform farmers on time. The broadcast on the risk of weather prediction will directly benefit farmers in which impacts on farmers' crops and enhance farmers to access widely the weather forecast via the website.
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    e-Agriculture Promising Practice: Agro Weather Tool for Climate Smart Agriculture 2018
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    In order to support Kenyan farmers, the Kenyan Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) developed the Agro-Weather Tool. The farmers still rely heavily on traditional methods to understand weather predictions and those do not allow them to mitigate the risks brought about by climate change. The Agro-Weather Tool is a web and mobile based information system that incorporates climate information and good agricultural practices for farmers. The tool has been developed to help farmers better manage weather risks, maximize productivity and minimize the environmental impact of farming practices. In further support of the farmers in the arid and semi-arid regions ofmKenya, KALRO also developed KALRO Knowledge Hub and mobile applications.

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