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The Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) process in the Central and West Africa: from theory to practice

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Le processus Accord de partenariat volontaire (APV) dans les pays d'Afrique centrale et de l'Ouest: de la théorie à la pratique 2014
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    Cette étude a été réalisée par le Programme FLEGT de la FAO. Elle a été rédigée par Marc Vandenhaute, Sophie Lemaître et Robert Simpson avec l’appui des experts: Caroline Duhesme, Anna Halton, Emmanuel Heuse, Yann Petrucci et Ruth Raymond. La production éditoriale a été assurée par Véronique Ferrier. La conception du document a été réalisée par Gabriele Marcelli. Des remerciements particuliers sont adressés aux parties prenantes des pays APV d’Afrique centrale et de l’Ouest ainsi qu’à la Commission européenne dont les contributions ont été essentielles pour la réalisation de cette étude. Enfin, les auteurs souhaiteraient remercier le panel d’experts qui a revu l’étude, notamment la Facilité UE FLEGT de l’EFI, FERN, IDL et CIFOR, pour leur disponibilité et leur apport technique.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    El proceso AVA (Acuerdo Voluntario de Asociación) en los países de África Central y Occidental: de la teoría a la práctica 2014
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    Este estudio fue llevado a cabo por el Programa FLEGT de la FAO. Fue redactado por Marc Vandenhaute, Sophie Lemaître y Robert Simpson con la ayuda de los expertos: Caroline Duhesme, Anna Halton, Emmanuel Heuse, Yann Petrucci y Ruth Raymond. La producción editorial estuvo a cargo de Véronique Ferrier, el diseño gráfico ha sido realizado por Gabriele Marcelli y la traducción por Víctor González. Un agradecimiento especial a las partes interesadas de los países AVA de África Central y Occid ental y, de igual forma, a la Comisión Europea cuyas valiosas aportaciones fueron fundamentales para la realización de este estudio. Los autores desean, además, agradecer al Grupo de Expertos que revisó el estudio, sobre todo al Mecanismo UE FLEGT del EFI, al FERN, al IDL y al CIFOR, por su disponibilidad y su asesoramiento técnico.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Time for Action - Changing the gender situation in forestry
    Report of the team of specialists on gender and forestry
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    The Team of Specialists on ‘Gender and Forestry’ was established in April 2004 by a decision of the former FAO/ECE/ILO Joint Committee on Forest Technology, Management and Training. The objective was to raise visibility of women and women’s involvement in the forestry sector and to understand the gender structures throughout the sector. The Team’s mandate was developed from discussions and recommendations at the FAO/ECE/ILO seminar in Viseu, Portugal in 2001, and has been regarded as par t of a strategic framework for the work carried out by the Team during the two years period. The Team focussed on reviewing relevant and available data, which is compiled and presented in this Final Report. The Team was made up of 15 specialists from across Europe and North America, and the work has mainly been carried out by team members. I would like to thank the Team for their contribution and goodwill, and for committing themselves on top of normal duties to execute the manadate given by the former joint committee. In particular, I thank the Team coordinators Anna Springfors and Simmoné Rose, the editors Renate Späeth, Marion Karman and Maria Gianinni and the lay-out artist Maria Guardia. In addition to Team members’ work, very valuable contributions have been made by a number of other persons; Inna Hakobjanyan, Mike Fullerton, Željka Ivanoviý, Marilena Idžojtiý, Katja Turunen, Ritva Toivonen, Laura Secco, Laura Peruch, Viera Petrasova, Zusana Sarvasova Lea Jy lha, Diana Mizaraite, Uta Hohn, Andreas Keil, Orhan Güles, Mulualem Tigabu, Robert Nygård, Margareta Söderberg Maria Hehn and Till Westermayer. I would like to thank them all for their efforts which have enriched this Final Report. However, the work on this important subject is not fi nished, indeed scarcely begun. I hope that what we have done will not only raise awareness, but also lead to actions for a better gender balance in forestry.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Le processus Accord de partenariat volontaire (APV) dans les pays d'Afrique centrale et de l'Ouest: de la théorie à la pratique 2014
    Also available in:

    Cette étude a été réalisée par le Programme FLEGT de la FAO. Elle a été rédigée par Marc Vandenhaute, Sophie Lemaître et Robert Simpson avec l’appui des experts: Caroline Duhesme, Anna Halton, Emmanuel Heuse, Yann Petrucci et Ruth Raymond. La production éditoriale a été assurée par Véronique Ferrier. La conception du document a été réalisée par Gabriele Marcelli. Des remerciements particuliers sont adressés aux parties prenantes des pays APV d’Afrique centrale et de l’Ouest ainsi qu’à la Commission européenne dont les contributions ont été essentielles pour la réalisation de cette étude. Enfin, les auteurs souhaiteraient remercier le panel d’experts qui a revu l’étude, notamment la Facilité UE FLEGT de l’EFI, FERN, IDL et CIFOR, pour leur disponibilité et leur apport technique.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    El proceso AVA (Acuerdo Voluntario de Asociación) en los países de África Central y Occidental: de la teoría a la práctica 2014
    Also available in:

    Este estudio fue llevado a cabo por el Programa FLEGT de la FAO. Fue redactado por Marc Vandenhaute, Sophie Lemaître y Robert Simpson con la ayuda de los expertos: Caroline Duhesme, Anna Halton, Emmanuel Heuse, Yann Petrucci y Ruth Raymond. La producción editorial estuvo a cargo de Véronique Ferrier, el diseño gráfico ha sido realizado por Gabriele Marcelli y la traducción por Víctor González. Un agradecimiento especial a las partes interesadas de los países AVA de África Central y Occid ental y, de igual forma, a la Comisión Europea cuyas valiosas aportaciones fueron fundamentales para la realización de este estudio. Los autores desean, además, agradecer al Grupo de Expertos que revisó el estudio, sobre todo al Mecanismo UE FLEGT del EFI, al FERN, al IDL y al CIFOR, por su disponibilidad y su asesoramiento técnico.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Time for Action - Changing the gender situation in forestry
    Report of the team of specialists on gender and forestry
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    The Team of Specialists on ‘Gender and Forestry’ was established in April 2004 by a decision of the former FAO/ECE/ILO Joint Committee on Forest Technology, Management and Training. The objective was to raise visibility of women and women’s involvement in the forestry sector and to understand the gender structures throughout the sector. The Team’s mandate was developed from discussions and recommendations at the FAO/ECE/ILO seminar in Viseu, Portugal in 2001, and has been regarded as par t of a strategic framework for the work carried out by the Team during the two years period. The Team focussed on reviewing relevant and available data, which is compiled and presented in this Final Report. The Team was made up of 15 specialists from across Europe and North America, and the work has mainly been carried out by team members. I would like to thank the Team for their contribution and goodwill, and for committing themselves on top of normal duties to execute the manadate given by the former joint committee. In particular, I thank the Team coordinators Anna Springfors and Simmoné Rose, the editors Renate Späeth, Marion Karman and Maria Gianinni and the lay-out artist Maria Guardia. In addition to Team members’ work, very valuable contributions have been made by a number of other persons; Inna Hakobjanyan, Mike Fullerton, Željka Ivanoviý, Marilena Idžojtiý, Katja Turunen, Ritva Toivonen, Laura Secco, Laura Peruch, Viera Petrasova, Zusana Sarvasova Lea Jy lha, Diana Mizaraite, Uta Hohn, Andreas Keil, Orhan Güles, Mulualem Tigabu, Robert Nygård, Margareta Söderberg Maria Hehn and Till Westermayer. I would like to thank them all for their efforts which have enriched this Final Report. However, the work on this important subject is not fi nished, indeed scarcely begun. I hope that what we have done will not only raise awareness, but also lead to actions for a better gender balance in forestry.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Le processus Accord de partenariat volontaire (APV) dans les pays d'Afrique centrale et de l'Ouest: de la théorie à la pratique 2014
    Also available in:

    Cette étude a été réalisée par le Programme FLEGT de la FAO. Elle a été rédigée par Marc Vandenhaute, Sophie Lemaître et Robert Simpson avec l’appui des experts: Caroline Duhesme, Anna Halton, Emmanuel Heuse, Yann Petrucci et Ruth Raymond. La production éditoriale a été assurée par Véronique Ferrier. La conception du document a été réalisée par Gabriele Marcelli. Des remerciements particuliers sont adressés aux parties prenantes des pays APV d’Afrique centrale et de l’Ouest ainsi qu’à la Commission européenne dont les contributions ont été essentielles pour la réalisation de cette étude. Enfin, les auteurs souhaiteraient remercier le panel d’experts qui a revu l’étude, notamment la Facilité UE FLEGT de l’EFI, FERN, IDL et CIFOR, pour leur disponibilité et leur apport technique.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    El proceso AVA (Acuerdo Voluntario de Asociación) en los países de África Central y Occidental: de la teoría a la práctica 2014
    Also available in:

    Este estudio fue llevado a cabo por el Programa FLEGT de la FAO. Fue redactado por Marc Vandenhaute, Sophie Lemaître y Robert Simpson con la ayuda de los expertos: Caroline Duhesme, Anna Halton, Emmanuel Heuse, Yann Petrucci y Ruth Raymond. La producción editorial estuvo a cargo de Véronique Ferrier, el diseño gráfico ha sido realizado por Gabriele Marcelli y la traducción por Víctor González. Un agradecimiento especial a las partes interesadas de los países AVA de África Central y Occid ental y, de igual forma, a la Comisión Europea cuyas valiosas aportaciones fueron fundamentales para la realización de este estudio. Los autores desean, además, agradecer al Grupo de Expertos que revisó el estudio, sobre todo al Mecanismo UE FLEGT del EFI, al FERN, al IDL y al CIFOR, por su disponibilidad y su asesoramiento técnico.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Time for Action - Changing the gender situation in forestry
    Report of the team of specialists on gender and forestry
    Also available in:
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    The Team of Specialists on ‘Gender and Forestry’ was established in April 2004 by a decision of the former FAO/ECE/ILO Joint Committee on Forest Technology, Management and Training. The objective was to raise visibility of women and women’s involvement in the forestry sector and to understand the gender structures throughout the sector. The Team’s mandate was developed from discussions and recommendations at the FAO/ECE/ILO seminar in Viseu, Portugal in 2001, and has been regarded as par t of a strategic framework for the work carried out by the Team during the two years period. The Team focussed on reviewing relevant and available data, which is compiled and presented in this Final Report. The Team was made up of 15 specialists from across Europe and North America, and the work has mainly been carried out by team members. I would like to thank the Team for their contribution and goodwill, and for committing themselves on top of normal duties to execute the manadate given by the former joint committee. In particular, I thank the Team coordinators Anna Springfors and Simmoné Rose, the editors Renate Späeth, Marion Karman and Maria Gianinni and the lay-out artist Maria Guardia. In addition to Team members’ work, very valuable contributions have been made by a number of other persons; Inna Hakobjanyan, Mike Fullerton, Željka Ivanoviý, Marilena Idžojtiý, Katja Turunen, Ritva Toivonen, Laura Secco, Laura Peruch, Viera Petrasova, Zusana Sarvasova Lea Jy lha, Diana Mizaraite, Uta Hohn, Andreas Keil, Orhan Güles, Mulualem Tigabu, Robert Nygård, Margareta Söderberg Maria Hehn and Till Westermayer. I would like to thank them all for their efforts which have enriched this Final Report. However, the work on this important subject is not fi nished, indeed scarcely begun. I hope that what we have done will not only raise awareness, but also lead to actions for a better gender balance in forestry.

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