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Food Insecurity in the Horn of Africa

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Improving pasture management in arid and semi-arid lands in the Horn of Africa through Pastoralist Field Schools
    An implementation strategy to support pastoralist communities build resilience against drought
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    Recurrent drought, degraded rangelands and reduced access to traditional grazing lands have left pastoral communities in the Horn of Africa’s arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) more vulnerable and facing severe livestock feed shortages. During dry spells, pastoral communities suffer from food and nutrition insecurity, as well as shrinking incomes occasioned by livestock losses and reduced livestock production. Climate change adds an extra layer of vulnerability to this already fragile ecosystem, exacerbating the underlying causes of poverty and food insecurity. Over the last ten years, the Horn of Africa has faced seven major drought events, which have killed more than half of the cattle population in the most heavily affected areas and decimated the livelihoods of millions of pastoralists each year. Estimates indicate that during the 2016/2017 drought, over 2 million livestock were lost in Ethiopia’s Somali region alone. In these areas, cattle milk production decreased by as much as 80 percent. During the past two decades, FAO and its partners have conducted Pastoralist Field Schools (PFS) in the Horn of Africa’s ASALs to address this challenging context. Specifically, this document describes how their recent experiences with PFS in Kenya and Ethiopia have contributed to restoring the livelihoods of livestock-dependent communities through improved pasture management.
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    Strengthening Capacity and Investment in the Horn of Africa - TCP SFE 3502 2018
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    The Horn of Africa (HoA) region faces serious challenges in stimulating agricultural growth and investment. With a population of over 230 million people, much of the land is arid or semi-arid. Despite significant recent economic growth, many areas are hampered by recurring droughts and civil strife, leading to youth migration, serious food insecurity and malnutrition, among other challenges. This project aimed to support the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in promoting agricultural growth and food and nutrition security through increased investments in sustainable agriculture, inter-regional trade in the HoAregion and trade with the Arabian Peninsula.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    2018/19 Drought- Preparedness & Response Plan for Lesotho 2019
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    Lesotho is a semi-arid country whose main livelihood activities include subsistence farming and livestock rearing. Rural communities across the country are among the poorest, usually negatively affected by natural hazards, socioeconomic and demographic trends, low agricultural productivity and diminishing and increasingly degraded agricultural land. The country has not fully recovered from one of the recent El Niño weather phenomenon that resulted in a poor performance of the 2015/16 season that hit the country. Now, farmers and agro-pastoralists across the country are facing drought conditions or the second time in three years. A countrywide multi-sectoral rapid assessment which was launched in February 2019 by the Disaster Management Authority (DMA) and the Lesotho Vulnerability Assessment and Analysis Committee (LVAC) predicts that 487,857 people are currently in need of humanitarian assistance due to delayed and below-average harvest. The flyer explains what the current drought conditions are in Lesotho, and gives the objective of FAO in responding to the drought, as well as the key figures such as number of affected people in rural areas, number of affected people in urban areas, the number of people targeted by FAO for assistance, and the amounts mobilized and funding gaps.

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