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BookletFAO Technical Cooperation Programme in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2023
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The booklet contains an overview of the FAO Technical Cooperation Programme with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The longstanding and strategic partnership between FAO and Saudi Arabia since 1948 and focuses on agriculture, food security, and sustainable development. The current cycle of the Technical Cooperation Programme aims to strengthen the capacities of Saudi Arabia's food and agriculture sector to contribute to the Saudi Vision 2030. The ongoing projects under the Programme are "Strengthening the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture (MEWA) capacity to implement its Sustainable Rural Agriculture Development Programme", "Promoting efficient irrigation and water productivity amongst farmers" and "Enhancing National Capacities for Irrigation Management" include initiatives on sustainable agriculture, efficient irrigation, beekeeping particularly on productions of coffee Arabica, beekeeping and honey, rose, sub-tropical fruits, rain-fed cereals, strengthening capacity of small-scale fishermen, fish farmers and livestock herders, and sustainable management of rangelands, forests and natural resources to support rural livelihoods. The Programme also supports in enhancing value addition from smallholdings and rural activities and the development of agri-marketing strategies, extension and advisory services, and the strengthening of rural institutions and agriculture cooperatives in Saudi Arabia. -
BookletWARFA: Strengthening the role of women in sustainable rural agricultural development in Saudi Arabia
2023Also available in:
No results found.On the occasion of International Rural Women’s Day, a new initiative for rural women empowerment – AL WARFA – was launched by the SRAD Programme through a joint effort between the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture (MoEWA), REEF and FAO Saudi Arabia. The objective of the initiative is to accelerate rural women’s economic empowerment and strengthen their livelihood in the agrifood system by providing access to intensive capacity building and encouraging their participation and involvement in the local economy. Some training courses were designed explicitly and in depth based on the current concepts and best practices in various areas of women’s participation in rural agricultural development. The training focuses on four thematic areas including agricultural cooperatives, value addition, agribusiness management, and agricultural marketing. Principles of experiential and adult learning approaches were applied to ensure an interactive learning environment including interactive lectures, brainstorming, group discussion, video/documentary, role plays and individual reading. Forty-six women entrepreneurs with diverse educational backgrounds were the pioneer group partaking in these imperative rural women training courses in Saudi Arabia. -
DocumentStatistical Capacity Country Profile for SDG Indicators (Saudi Arabia)
Statistical Capacity Assessment for the FAO-relevant SDG Indicators 2018/19
2019The Office of the Chief Statistician (OCS) conducted the Statistical Capacity Assessment for the FAO-relevant SDG indicators in early 2019 to provide insights about member countries' national statistical systems in regard to their capacity to monitor and report the 21 SDG indicators under FAO custodianship. The survey collected information on the national coordination mechanisms for the SDG reporting, current data availability and plans for filling data gaps, and needs for technical assistance. The respondents were mainly the National Coordinators for SDG Monitoring or the SDG focal points nominated by the Directors General of National Statistics Offices. The results will assist FAO-HQ and decentralized offices in designing targeted interventions and mobilizing resources to support countries in collecting, analyzing and using the SDG indicators in decision-making.
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