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大面积实蝇控制计划中不育蝇的包装、运输、保存和释放指南 – 第2版

​粮农组织和中国农业出版社。2019年。《大面积实蝇控制计划中不育蝇的包装、运输、 保存和释放指南》(第2版)。中国北京。156页。 许可:CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO。

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    渔业委员会设立鱼品贸易分委员会作为国际渔产品贸易磋商的多边框架。分委员会第十七届会议于2019年11月25–29日在西班牙维戈举行。分委员会注意到在国际贸易这一实现可持续发展目标的重要工具的整体框架内,鱼和渔产品国际贸易的市场前景,尤其涉及当前的全球专题、粮农组织与 其他国际组织的工作、市场准入(包括质量与安全、小规模渔业、产品的 合法性及透明度、生物多样性保护、贸易协定和可追溯性)等问题。此外,本届会议还讨论了鱼品价值链的社会责任、鱼品相关服务贸易和 《负责任渔业行为守则》第11条落实工作的分析报告。
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    中小规模肉类加工企业: 生产技术手册 2009
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    Over the next decade there will be an increase in global meat production from the current annual production of 267 million tons in 2006 to nearly 320 million tons by 2016. Almost exclusively, developing countries will account for the increase. The greater demand for meat output will be met by a further shift away from pastoral systems to intensive livestock production systems. As these systems cannot be expanded indefinitely due to limited feed availability and for environmental reasons, other m easures must be taken to meet the growing demand. The only possible alternatives are making better use of the meat resources available and reducing waste of edible livestock parts to a minimum. This is where meat processing plays a prominent role. It fully utilizes meat resources, including nearly all edible livestock parts for human food consumption. This practical and easy to understand manual is intended for meat processors in developing countries, in particular those who want to improve thei r existing manufacturing methods and anyone who is interested in entering this specific food sector, as well as for teaching purposes. It is a comprehensive compendium on all important topics relevant to the small- to medium-size meat processing sector, with more that 400 colour photographs, drawings and graphs. The manual also includes a series of practical topics which are important in meat processing but which are usually not sufficiently referred to or not found at all in meat processing han dbooks.
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