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Technical Support for Agroforestry Development in Lowland Landscapes for Improved Food Security - TCP/DRK/3602

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    Support for Sea Buckthorn Cultivation and Processing in Samjiyon County - TCP/DRK/3606 2020
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    The Government of the Democratic People’s Republicof Korea attaches high priority to improving food securityand people’s livelihoods, while supporting thesustainability of natural resources that are vital for foodand agriculture. The reforestation of degraded forestland and the restoration of productivity on sloping landand low-productive farmland through the activeimplementation of agroforestry are key strategies in thisapproach. Among the various agroforestry models testedin the country over the last decade, sea buckthorn (SBT)alley cropping has been found suitable, above all inthe northern mountainous areas, which suffer fromharsh winters, degraded landscapes and low soil fertility.SBT, a winter-hardy shrub, was introduced into thecountry in the 1980s. It is an extremely valuable plantspecies with multipurpose uses that also provides a rangeof ecosystem services. The highly nutritious fruits can beeaten raw or processed into a range of value addedproducts, while the leaves can be used as animal fodder.The plant is also suitable for soil conservation as it cansurvive rarely dry and poorly fertilized soil, and has astrong root system and high capacity for sprouting. SBTcultivation thus represents an ideal choice forstrengthening food and nutrition security, improvinglivelihoods and mitigating the impact of climate change.The aim of the project was to enhance local capacity forthe cultivation of SBT, and increase the production,harvesting and processing of its fruits and other plantparts as food, feed and other profitable uses in order toboost food and nutritional security, income generationand livelihoods, and to mitigate the impact of climatechange in Samjiyon County of Ryanggang Province.
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    Support to Improved Pig Breeding System - TCP/DRK/3604 2020
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    In recent years, with the emergence of food security,livelihood security, water scarcity and natural resourceconservation and environmental protection as majorissues worldwide, the Government of the DemocraticPeople’s Republic of Korea has placed increased emphasison the development of the livestock sector to strengthennational food and nutrition security. Livestock in thecountry consists mainly of draught cattle, pigs, sheep,goats, rabbits, chickens, ducks and geese. Among these,pigs are an important source of meat production, as theyconvert a wide variety of feedstuff, grains, forages andhousehold leftovers into valuable nutritious meat. Pigs arealso prolific. A sow can be bred at as early as eight or ninemonths of age and can farrow twice a year, producingfrom nine to 13 piglets each time. Given theseadvantages, pig production can be established in bothsmallholder farming and large-scale commercialproduction. However, scientific management practicesto reduce pre-weaning piglet mortality and to increasethe profitability of pig farms are urgently required. Besidesthe physical and material constraints that currently exist,the breeding and multiplication of superior quality pigsare also impeded by knowledge and technological gaps.This project addressed the major causes of lowproductivity in pig production through the provision ofimproved breeds with high meat productivity, productioninputs and technical training to selected eight cooperativefarms in North and South Hwanghae provinces.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Agroforestry in rice production landscapes in Southeast Asia: a practical manual 2017
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    This publication represents an output of work conducted on trees outside forests (TOF) as part of Regional Rice Initiative (RRI) Phase 2. It provides practical information on the status, benefits and techniques related the use of TOF in rice production landscapes in Southeast Asia. The manual describes the main rice-based farming systems in Southeast Asia, discusses the potential of agroforestry in enhancing the livelihood of smallholder farmers in rice growing areas in Southeast Asia, and gives an overview of traditional and innovative practices integrating trees in rice-based farms and landscapes. The manual also provides practical information to guide the planning, design and management of agroforestry in rice production systems in Southeast Asia, including case studies from several countries in the region.

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