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    Forest biological diversity 2002
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    Is a forest with 1 000 species better, and managed better, than a forest with 500 species? This issue of Unasylva looks at issues related to forest biological diversity and its conservation and sustainable use. One of the key messages is that numbers are not the only issue.
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    Book (stand-alone)
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    La diversité biologique, sans laquelle il ne pourrait y avoir ni agriculture ni production alimentaire, semblait autrefois inépuisable. Aujourd'hui, on commence à s'apercevoir que c'est une ressource finie, même si elle est renouvelable. Bien gérée, elle devrait permettre d'assurer indéfiniment la subsistance de la population mondiale. Il n'est pas excessif de dire que l'avenir de la civilisation humaine pourrait dépendre de la protection et de l'utilisation durable de la diversité biologique.
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    International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA)
    What the International Treaty does
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    The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture is an FAO international instrument that promotes the conservation and sustainable use of agricultural biological diversity. Through this legally binding treaty, Member Countries can easily exchange genetic material through facilitated access to the largest global pool of genetic diversity for food security, sustainable agriculture and climate change adaptation. The Treaty ensures that farmers, plant breeders and scienti sts have access to plant genetic resources and share the benefits, including financial resources, derived from conservation, research and breeding of those materials.

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