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Malawi: National Medium-Term Priority Framework (NMTPF) 2010-2015 for the cooperation and partnership between FAO and the Republic of Malawi

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    Tanzania: Tanzania National Medium-Term Priority Framework 2006-2010 (NMTPF) (with revised matrix February 2007) 2017
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    The NMTPF document consists of five sections. Section one provides background information relating to the FAO’s country level support and NMTPF preparation. Section two summarises the situation analysis and FAO challenges and opportunities in Tanzania. Section three focuses on proposed priority programme framework (NMTPF), which highlights effectiveness and efficiency in management as the cornerstone for its strategic implementation. Section four covers implementation management, monitoring, and evaluation of the NMTPF. Section five outlines the financial and indicative planning of actions of the NMTPF (see appendix 2).
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    Guyana: National Medium-Term Priority Framework (NMTPF) 2012-2015 for the Cooperation and Partnership between The Government of Guyana and FAO. November 2010 2010
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    The framework identifies outcomes in four thematic areas to which FAO assistance will contribute. These are: food security and nutrition, agricultural and rural development, renewable natural resources and climate change; and agricultural health and food safety. Prior to implementation, a set of medium-term outputs for each thematic area will be identified and intermediate outcome indicators defined to facilitate monitoring of both the efficiency and effectiveness of FAO- Government partnerships .
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    Mozambique: FAO National Medium Term Priority Framework 2008-2012 2010
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    This FAO National Medium Term Priority Framework (NMPTF) has as its starting point the previous programmes and is a planning and management tool that establishes the manner in which FAO may support Mozambique’s development priorities. It is a general document, describing the medium-term collaboration priorities between the Government and FAO and which seeks to be as closely aligned as possible with the Action Plan for the Reduction of Absolute Poverty (PARPA 2006-2009) and with the UNDAF 2007-20 09 document. It also seeks to harmonise FAO’s participation in the United Nations System reform process, as is stated in the document ‘Delivering as One: Operational Plan for the UN System in Mozambique 2007-2009’.

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