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DocumentSurvey on the quality and utility of food safety related scientific advice provided by FAO to Codex Committees. Final Report 2011
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No results found.FAO has recently implemented a more integrated and strategic results-based budgeting and work planning process. This approach is based on the setting of strategic objectives that provide a focus for action; the definition of expected results that contribute to attaining these objectives; and the alignment of programs and resources behind the objectives. Activities related to the provision of scientific advice on Food Safety and Nutrition are part of Strategic Objective D: “Improved quality and s afety of food at all stages of the food chain”, and the relevant activities are mostly delivered through a multidisciplinary unit result “Scientific advice on food safety provided to standard setting bodies and FAO member countries”. Scientific advice in the international context is provided by FAO, jointly with WHO and in collaboration with other UN agencies, on a wide range of issues, including the safety and risk assessment of chemicals and biological agents in food. The advice is developed w ith the collaboration of independent experts, using available data from as many regions and countries of the world as possible and information submitted by interested parties. The advice is for the most part generated through expert meetings and consultations. -
DocumentScientific advice on cell-based food products and food safety considerations. Call for Experts 2022
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DocumentFAO Expert Consultation of Scientific Advice on cell-based food products and food safety considerations
Biography sketches of the selected experts and resource people
2022Also available in:
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