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The Need to complete and apply a coherent set of principles for managin food safety risks in all nations

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    Book (series)
    Risk management and food safety
    Food and Nutrition Paper 65
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    Risk analysis is widely recognised as the fundamental methodology underlying the development of food safety standards. As recognised in the 1995 consultation, risk analysis is composed of three separate but integrated elements, namely risk assessment, risk management and risk communication. That consultation recognised risk communication as an interactive process of exchange of information and opinion on risk among risk assessors, risk managers, and other interested parties. Risk management is d efined within Codex as the process of weighing policy alternatives in the light of the results of risk assessment and, if required, selecting and implementing appropriate control options, including regulatory measures. The outcome of the risk management process, as undertaken by Committees within the Codex Alimentarius system, is the development of standards, guidelines and other recommendations for food safety, m the national situation it is likely that different risk management decisions could be made according to different criteria and different ranges of risk management options. The overall objective of Codex is to ensure consumer protection and to facilitate international trade.
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    The Current Status of Consumer pariticipation in Food Safety Risk Analysis, and Opportunities for Improvements 2001
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    Consumers International has participated in Codex work as an observer for three decades, and notes the importance of ongoing efforts by the Codex Commission to improve the participation of consumers in its activities. Sound goals have been established, but the details of implementation have yet to be worked out. Data need to be collected at regular intervals on objective measures to track progress in consumer participation at the national and international level. Some governments are more advanc ed than others in terms of the extent and mechanisms through which they facilitate consumer participation in their food safety risk analysis. Through forums such as this one and Codex Regional Coordinating Committees, successful experiences can be shared and perhaps, more widely adopted. In order to improve the quality of consumer participation, consumer NGOs should be given opportunities to take part in risk analysis training and similar workshops carried out by international agencies and natio nal governments. The risk assessment process, which has traditionally been closed to observers, should also be more open and transparent; bringing invited consumer participants into that process could both improve the results and add to the credibility of risk assessments.
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    Sharing information on national experiences in the general field of risk management 2002
    The subject of risk management is a broad one; the discussion group on "Sharing information on national experiences in the general field of risk management" is to discuss two specific topics in detail: "Reduction in foodborne hazards, including microbiological and others, with emphasis on emerging hazards" and "Integrated approaches to the management of food safety throughout the food chain". I would like to go beyond that in introducing the discussion group debates by touching on the various as pects of this subject and the ways in which risk managers and policy makers can approach it.

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